If you’re a new cat parent, Congratulations! Making the decision to care for a kitty is one of the best and most rewarding decisions ever. Many think that owning a cat is easy. I’m here to respectfully disagree. While it’s true that cats don’t...
The question of whether or not your cats need a rabies vaccine is not always cut and dry. We are not anti-vaccines – however, we are against over vaccinating our cats. They say knowledge is power – and it sure can make a powerful difference in this...
As proactive cat parents, it’s exciting to find new ways to help improve the life and health of our kitties. One way to help our cats is by evaluating their environment. Chemical household cleaners are toxic to our cats, so we want to find a cheap and safe...
In this day and age, Google & Facebook are the main sources of information for pet parents. Whether it’s on our phones or computers, if we have a question – we simply search it. But is information on the internet fooling us? When we started this...
We used to only groom our cats on special occasion. Once or twice per month, whenever we had ‘down time’, we’d pull out the brush and they would come running. It wasn’t until we learned that we should groom our cats on a regular basis that we...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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