Meet The Ladies

Jae & Adrienne


are the owners of Two Crazy Cat Ladies™, a brand created to bring cat parents together and raise awareness about the health and wellbeing of all kitties. Motivated by the lack of available resources for natural feline health, they’ve dedicated their lives to learning and sharing all they can to help cats live the longest. healthiest and happiest lives possible. They host regular live shows on social media to connect with cat parents and answer questions they have about their kitties as well as sharing tips about cat health and happiness via blogs and videos. In addition to their passion to learn, share and grow together in the cat community, they offer a line of natural supplements [ Feline Essential™] made to help and prevent many common cat health issues. And – worth mentioning – they also love cocktails & wine.


The Team

Adrienne Lefebvre

Adrienne Lefebvre

COO & Professional Cat Lady

Adrienne is the truest of true cat lovers. She has been rescuing cats from dire straights for over 20 years and cannot help but think of her babies nearly every moment of every day. While the cats may take priority in heart, she is also one of the most kind, considerate and authentic people you could ever meet. Her smile lights up the room and her personality makes everyone feel at home – no matter who you are. She is one of a kind and her love of animals just makes her THAT much more awesome.

Jae Kennedy

Jae Kennedy

CEO & Professional Cat Lady

Jae is the quintessential cat care-giver. Her many years in pet nutrition have earned her title of ‘Docta Jae’ in our house. She’s the one who makes sure that the health and well-being of the cats are always in tip-top condition. While she’s not as ‘crazy’ about cats as I am, she loves all Beings (even most people) and uses her many gifts to help anyone and everything she can – making her the coolest girl I know. Whenever possible, she also enjoys a glass (or five) of wine in the evenings.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Executive Director

Sissy is Jae’s older sister – and has been our Rock since Day One. She’s been posting to our Facebook page, answering comments and questions. and sharing our information online since we started our mission to help every cat on the planet in 2015. JLo has the same background as Jae, working in pet nutrition since 2006 – and became an official (hired!) 2CCL Team Member in 2022. She also wears many hats during a normal workday – in addition to helping with research and website marketing. Sissy is an avid lover of unicorns and hails from the great state of Texas – where she lives with her two female dogs. Harlequin and Luna, also known (affectionately) as Jae’s Bitches.

The Rest Of The Team



The Puppy-Cat

Zorro (Friday’s twin brother) was born on Good Friday, 2018. He was named in honor of a playful husky that was tragically killed by a hit-and-run driver in our community. Little did we know our Zorro would become our puppy-cat… He plays fetch, loves car rides, is excited to meet new people, and is always looking for the next adventure. He is also incredibly kind, wise, and loves snuggles.



The Boss

Friday (Zorro’s twin sister) was named after her birthday – Good Friday. She is the true Matriarch of our family – making sure everything is in order. Friday is crazy smart, loves meeting new people, shares a telepathic bond with her brother, and loves playing games on her iPad. She still has a kitten voice and alerts us she is about to jump on someone’s back for her daily kitty-back rides with the cutest chirps and trills.

Jack William

Jack William

The Comedian

Jack (Madison’s brother) is unlike any cat we’ve ever met. The world is his stage, and he owns every moment – bringing joy, laughter, and sometimes near heart attacks with his crazy antics. While he spends most of his time entertaining us or playing with his brother and sisters, he is also the sweetest little Lover Boy. He is gentle and kind to his siblings (unless it’s chase and tumble time) and loves daily lap snuggles.

Madison Grace

Madison Grace

The Calico Queen

Madison (Jack’s sister) is our most complex kitty. We’re pretty sure she thinks she’s actually a human – preferring long and expressive conversations with us over playtime with her siblings. Madison is equal parts sweetness and sass, curiosity and caution. She never passes up an opportunity for snuggles and enjoys digging out our sock drawer for a nap spot if we don’t have a lap available.

Annie Olivia

Annie Olivia

The Healer

Annie is basically a miracle. We found each other during a time of deep grief after Oliver Twist and Pooh Bear passed. In fact, we believe they sent her to us to help our whole family heal. She is full of energy, always thinking, she’s especially playful with her brothers, and loves ‘learning’ her sisters. We may have found Annie as an orphan, but we now know she was always meant to complete our family.

Our Angels

Our Angels

Our Greatest Teachers

Oliver Twist, Pooh Bear, Mr. Bittles, Scotch, Mama, and Tigee changed our lives forever. We are so grateful for the path they set us on, the lessons they each taught us, the love they each gave us, and for every precious moment of Life we had the honor to share together. They are the reason we became the Two Crazy Cat Ladies – and we bring their Light with us on every step of our Journey. Until we meet again…

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