Are Your Cats Playing Or Fighting?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between cats playing or fighting. Because felines instinctively pounce on each other for play, it can be difficult to know if we should stop this behavior or encourage it. In young cats and kittens, playing is very...

Scared Of Raw Food For Your Cat?

Let’s face it… most people are scared of raw food in general, let alone feeding it to their beloved kitties. We were afraid of feeding raw at first too. Raw food has a bad rap because many think it carries scary bacteria and pathogens that could harm...

How Smart Is Your Cat?

How smart is your cat?? We know that cat’s are infamous for being difficult to study, so there’s not a huge body of research on this topic. However, there are some very interesting facts that roundly support how smart and clever we know cats to be. For...

Sweet Cats That Are Mean To Other People

Your kitty is super sweet to you and an angel at home, but when company stops by he turns into the devil. Cats that are mean to your guests are feeling protective and/or stressed. My sister’s soul companion is her cat of 13 years, Tattoo. She rescued him as a...

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Dehydrated

Do you know if your cat is dehydrated or not? Felines are desert animals and they have a low thirst drive. Since our cats are not big drinkers naturally, it can be difficult to get enough water or moisture in them. This is especially true if you are feeding a highly...
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