How To Clean Dirty Cat Ears

Taking care of your cat’s ears is easier than you might think. There are many reasons why cat ears get dirty, and it’s important that you rule out any underlying health condition first. Some cats are just prone to getting gunky ears, even if they’re...

Your Cat’s Pee And Poop Matter

Admit it. A good pee and poop is an underrated pleasure. If you’ve ever had an internal issue with either, you know this to be terribly true. Imagine being a cat – unable to communicate if something’s not working down there. This is why your...

Do You Have Enough Cats?

We chose our company name because our friends regularly called us crazy cat ladies. We’ve always been blessed to have at least 4 kitties in our home, and apparently that’s enough cats to be considered crazy. Since then, however, we’ve met several...

Tips For Using The Laser Toy With Cats

Nearly every cat loves the laser toy. It’s like offering your cat a bug to play with, only you don’t have to clean up the mess. There is no other toy that can get your cat moving at extremely fast speeds while climbing up the wall to try to get that little...

The Scoop On Scooping Litter

Scooping litter is not our favorite part of sharing life with cats. It is, however, an incredibly important part of providing a good life for our feline friends. Here’s why: Cats are very clean Beings. You’ll notice that your cats spends much of his waking...
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