Sometimes it’s the simple things that are easiest to overlook. However, neglecting the simple things can really affect those around you – and even give your cat allergies. Not long ago, I walked into the cats room and noticed that their blankets were...
One of our least favorite tasks as a cat parent is clipping nails. Cats don’t usually enjoy having someone squeeze their paws and mess with their claws – but it should be done nevertheless. If you need to clip your cat’s nails, here are a few tips...
Ah the joy of our sometimes stinky little kitties. Flatulence is a part of life. While many of us would like to say our cats don’t fart, the truth is – they do. So do you, by the way. But did you know that catnip can help cat farts? Who’da thunk it?...
Keeping your cat’s teeth clean isn’t always the easiest task for us cat parents. Dental care is one of those things that we tend to overlook. We’ve been guilty of this too, which is why we’re sharing this information with you now. There are...
It’s the sweetest thing in the world when one of our kitties start giving us a bath. We know that they do this as a show of affection to each other, so for a moment we feel like a loved, fellow cat. But is letting our cats lick us healthy for them? We need to...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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