Do Cats Need Vegetables In Their Diet?

You likely grew up being told to eat your veggies – but do cats need vegetables in their diet? This may seem like an odd question. All cats – from the smallest little kitty to huge lions – are obligate carnivores. This means they solely depend on...

Will Grain-Free Cat Food Cause Heart Problems?

The hype about grain-free cat food started back in 2018. The FDA released a statement that they were investigating a connection between grain-free foods and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)… In dogs. So why does a quick internet search return so many results for...

Does Food Equal Happiness And Health?

The biggest reason that cats are overfed is because humans believe that food equals happiness. We also believe that our cats will be healthier and love us more if they have food available all the time. But nothing could be further from the truth. You see, many of us...

What You THINK Is In Cat Food May Not Be

Pet food companies are allowed to be deceiving with their packaging techniques. What we think is in cat food – because the bag tells us so – is often nearly undetectable. You see, according to the guidelines, if a company includes an image on their bag of...
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