Why Do Fixed Cats Mount Each Other?

So… Your cats are fixed, but you still see them mounting each other. What is up with that? We humans like to jump to conclusions with things that seem odd to us. Conclusions that are often (very) wrong. But let’s remember – especially when observing...

Smurgling – Is It A Thing?

Smurgling… if you’re not sure if your cat is a smurgler, read on. It is a thing. You may already be familiar with this behavior. Some people say their kitty is making biscuits or kneading bread… and both are accurate descriptions of smurgling. The...

How To Help A Cat In Heat

If you’ve ever been around a cat in heat, you know it seems stressful for her. And no doubt for you too. The most obvious sign that the cycle has started is her loud and persistent vocalization. Some might describe it as constant wailing, but it may also sound...

How To Check Your Cat’s Vital Signs

Knowing how to check our cat’s vital signs could literally save their life… If we know how to check them and determine if they are within normal ranges. There are 3 vitals signs you can easily keep an eye on at home. Your cat’s heart rate (pulse),...

Do Cats Need Vegetables In Their Diet?

You likely grew up being told to eat your veggies – but do cats need vegetables in their diet? This may seem like an odd question. All cats – from the smallest little kitty to huge lions – are obligate carnivores. This means they solely depend on...
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