How To Get Rid Of The Cat Urine Smell

There are several reasons cats will urinate outside the box and stress is one of the most common. Upon writing this blog, there’s a lot of anxiety going on around our world – and our kitties feel it. Sometimes they express that stress by...

4 Tips: Litter Box Basics

We were cat parents for almost 20 years before we learned that there are basic litter box rules. Get a box, put in some litter and clean it from time to time is all we thought mattered. Turns out that we were doing everything wrong and this explains so much…...

Avoid Dangerous Feline Illnesses By Doing This

It may seem like a simple feat, but you can avoid dangerous feline illnesses just by paying closer attention. Cats are stoic creatures and it’s not easy to tell if they’re in pain. We have to do our due diligence as cat parents to ensure our cats stay...

Does Your Kitty Hate The Litter Box?

We often get questions about which litter to buy because some cats seem to hate the litter box. These days there’s a special litter for everything from odor control to dustless, trackless wonders. With so many options, it’s important for us to remember...

The Scoop On Scented Litter

Odor control litter and scented litter are popular items in the pet stores these days. These types of litter contain additives that help mask or absorb the smells that comes from the box. These types of litter, however, are for the cat parent, not the cat. The Scoop...

How Many Litter Boxes Should I Have?

Do you have many litter boxes in your multi-cat household? We do too. Have you ever wished you had more bathrooms in your home? It sucks when you really have to ‘go’ and the bathroom is occupied. Or even worse, when you wake up in the middle of the night,...
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