While car rides are usually not a cat’s favorite activity, it’s important to know the basics of car safety for cats. We know most people are more concerned about the stress of a car ride – not the safety. Making car rides less stressful is super...
Our feline friends can be mysterious, so it’s no wonder there are some commonly misunderstood cat behaviors. While we’ve always been fascinated by our feline friends, we only learned about feline behaviorists a few years ago. Because we are so often asked...
Did you know that being a Feline Behaviorist is an actual profession? For the first many years as cat parents, we didn’t know such a thing existed. I often wonder about a number of issues we could have faced and resolved differently with our cats had we known....
The first time I saw an ear tipped cat I thought the poor thing had been in a terrible accident or fight. Why else would a cat be missing the entire top part of his ear? It wasn’t until we started working with our local TNR program (trap, neuter, return) that we...
A cat’s sense of smell is as remarkable as a cat’s nose itself. While you may already know that a cat’s nose-print is as unique as our fingerprints, it’s what’s inside that nose that’s really mind blowing. Cats have more than 200...
Toe bean is a common term used to describe a cat’s paw pads. A cat’s toe beans are arguably one of a feline’s finest features. In addition to being irresistibly adorable, each bean has a special purpose… But have you ever noticed what seems to...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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