A regular wellness exam for cats is very important. Since our kitties are stoic beings, getting them checked by a veterinarian at least once yearly will help catch health issues, hopefully before they escalate. However, we want to be sure they are safe and healthy in...
Are you looking for natural ways to repel fleas? We all want the best for our fur babies. We want to make sure they are healthy and happy – and at the same time, we don’t want them to get infested with fleas! Sure, there are some chemical treatments out there...
It’s common for us cat parents to check our kitty’s symptoms online when something seems a little off – but do you know when it’s time to call a veterinarian? We spend every day sharing free advice with cat parents – and we LOVE doing our...
There’s something cat parents should understand about flea treatments that no one is talking about. You see, the toxic chemicals in these traditional treatments weaken our kitties’ immune systems, which in turn make them more susceptible to fleas. Is this...
Spiders, ants and scorpions OH MY! No one wants these creepy crawlers in our home but would you put your cat’s health in jeopardy to rid your home of these pesky pests? Chemical pesticides can affect your cat’s health and not in a good way. Do you have a pest control...
Do you need to give your cat a pill and just dread it? Giving a cat a pill can be challenging even for experienced feline caregivers. We want to start trying to give the pill the simplest way possible. Some kitties make it very easy and will take the pill just by...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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