Litter box issues are one of the most common questions asked by our cat community. Cats will suddenly start going outside the box for several, often mysterious reasons. If your cat has stopped using the box, here’s how we get our cat using the litter box again....
Indoor cats often seem aloof, especially after the age of 5. However, exercising your cat is so important because it will help extend his life. The excuse we always used before was “our cats don’t want to play”. Are you saying that in your head right...
If your cats are like our young ones, they love to scramble up the holiday tree. While it can be cute, it can also be dangerous. If you’re looking for ways to keep your cat from climbing the Christmas tree, this blog is for you! We’ve unfortunately heard...
We’re often asked how you can help stop a cat from scratching furniture. Do you want to get your cat using a scratching post instead of your couch? You’ve come to the right place! This is such a common question, we decided it was time to write a blog!...
Cats are beautiful, interesting beings – and sometimes they have peculiar ways of communicating. We don’t always understand their communication skills… mainly because it’s totally different from us humans. Especially when it comes to their...
We are often guilty of not spending enough quality time with our kitties. Maybe it’s a busy day – or maybe they seem aloof one day, but quality time and real time with our cats plays a big role in their happiness. Contrary to what many think, engaging...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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