Consulting a Feline Behaviorist

Did you know that being a Feline Behaviorist is an actual profession? For the first many years as cat parents, we didn’t know such a thing existed. I often wonder about a number of issues we could have faced and resolved differently with our cats had we known....

Why Cats Poop Outside The Box

Many cat parents think that their cats poop outside the box out of spite, but this is not true. I’m going to tell you something, something a lot of you will not like to hear or may be surprised by… you ready? Our beautiful cats do NOT get revenge on us or do things...

Why You Should Be Playing With Your Cat

Kittens are so much fun! They have all this energy and run around playing and most of the time we don’t even know what they are playing with! Kittens are just entertaining themselves by pouncing and dancing around. They hunch their back and do what I like to call...

Why Do Cats Bite You?

We host frequent Live Q&A sessions on social media and it’s crazy how many people ask about why their cats bite them. Our cats may give love nibbles from time to time if we are playing with them with our hands (which we don’t recommend), but they never...

Why Cats Chew Plastic

Many of our cats chew plastic or, at the very least, lick and play with plastic bags in our home. It’s entertaining to watch, but we also realize that this could be unsafe. If you don’t want your human children sucking on plastic, you probably don’t...
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