When someone makes the decision to adopt and care for a senior cat it melts our hearts. So often these sweet souls are at the end of the adoption line – and we all know what that means. Those with hearts big enough to adopt a senior cat know it can also mean...
If your cat doesn’t like catnip you might think he’s broken. Every cat loves catnip, right? You might be surprised to learn only 70-80% of cats respond to cat nip at all. So no, your kitty isn’t broken. This is an exciting time to learn what other...
Is cat scratch fever just a popular song? Or is it actually a real condition? You might be from a generation that can’t hear these three words together without the hard-rock melody playing in your head. Sorry for that. In fact, cat scratch fever is a very real...
When speaking with cat parents about the importance of enrichment, something we often hear is that their cats don’t want to play. We’ve even worked through this issue ourselves with a feline behaviorist for one of our cats. The behaviorists shared that a...
Cat food puzzles are beneficial for cats for many reasons. We first learned how helpful they can be when one of our girls had a habit of scarfing and then barfing her food. We needed to find a way to slow down her eating so her body had a chance to keep it down. Our...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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