Why Do Cats Bite You?

We host frequent Live Q&A sessions on social media and it’s crazy how many people ask about why their cats bite them. Our cats may give love nibbles from time to time if we are playing with them with our hands (which we don’t recommend), but they never...

Why Cats Chew Plastic

Many of our cats chew plastic or, at the very least, lick and play with plastic bags in our home. It’s entertaining to watch, but we also realize that this could be unsafe. If you don’t want your human children sucking on plastic, you probably don’t...

Cats That Hate To Be Touched

Cats are interesting creatures with individual personalities – much like humans. Some cats are very loving while others are more standoffish. If you have a cats that hate to be touched, held or given too much physical attention, this blog is for you. You love...

How To Tell If Your Cat Is In Pain

Cats are known for their stoic nature, so it can be hard to tell if your cat is in pain. Absent a visible injury, we need to rely on their health history and keen observations to better know if our cat is feeling good. We’ve made some painful mistakes on our...

Can Cats Sense Bad People?

You’ve seen the image on the internet saying “if my cat doesn’t like you, neither do I”, suggesting that cats can sense a bad person, but is this true? Cats sense energy better than most humans, in my opinion. I found an article published in...

What Do Cats Remember?

Have you ever gazed into your kitties eyes and wondered – What do cats remember? If you spend any amount of time around cats, you already know they’re smart. Cats regularly display the ability to problem solve, understand language, and make decisions. But...
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