Is Your Cat Over Grooming?

Excessive grooming is a common disorder for indoor cats, unfortunately. If your cat is over-grooming himself, it’s important to get to the root of the matter. This means eliminating other possible skin issues and addressing the stress. There are many reasons...

7 Proven Steps To Reduce Feline Stress

    Stress and anxiety can be a big issue for our indoor cats – and often times we don’t even know it. Whether or not you know if your kitty is anxious, we should do our best to reduce feline stress at home. Stress is a leading cause of disease...
Halloween Tips And Tricks For Tails

Halloween Tips And Tricks For Tails

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays – but it can get tricky when you have cats running around. We must be sure not to get so caught up in the fun that we forget our kitties! Here are some Halloween tips and tricks on how to have a good time while keeping...

Helping Your Cat To Take Car Rides

Getting a cat to take car rides can be a difficult task. At least we think it is. Cats don’t like to suddenly be rushed into unfamiliar territory, so cat parents should take note. One of our cats, Mr. Bittles, gets so nervous on car rides that he foams at the...
Why This Calming Formula Rocks Our World!

Why This Calming Formula Rocks Our World!

Holy meow! This calming formula rocks our world! It’s rare that we do product reviews, especially if it’s  our own product, but this can’t go without sharing. Cats are purrecious creatures and can be easily scared. Thus the term, ‘scaredy...
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