Something awesome happened last weekend. We’re trying to keep chemicals out of our home (for our cats’ sake mostly), but we live in the desert and scorpions are a real thing here. We’ve allowed pest control to treat with chemicals in the past, but now we’ve found that this natural formula kills even the scariest of pests!

We’re elated!!!

So we’ve been recommending Flea-eX for years now. It’s a super safe and effective way to treat fleas, ticks and mosquitoes on cats. The product has raving reviews, but the problem is… we don’t have fleas, ticks or mosquitoes in the desert. So we technically don’t use the product ourselves. Which is weird for us, because we typically test all products on ourselves and our cats before recommending them.

However, recently a PAWsome retail client of ours in Florida contacted us and said that Flea-eX natural formula kills ants, roaches and termites as well. What? Really? We have ants here sometimes, so now we can use it too! Great news, right?

A month passed and we still didn’t see an ant. Furtherore, we would only kill ants if they were in our home. We tend to just redirect them when we find them in the yard.

In comes the scorpion scenario…

Last weekend I was feeding the cats and they alerted me to something on the floor in the kitchen. I looked down and saw the scariest looking ugly, dark scorpion. I’m getting chills just writing about this creature. Not knowing what to do, I placed a glass over it and decided to think about what to do after I finished feeding the kitties.

Knowing now that Flea-ex natural formula kills more than just fleas, I got the idea to try spraying the scorpion and see what happens.

I conjured up the courage (with some help of some strong morning coffee), grabbed a bottle of Flea-eX and hit record on my phone… you know, so if I died there would be footage of my murderer.

I only got 3 squirts out of the bottle before I flipped out and put the glass back over Mr. Scorpion, but it clearly affected him because he stretched out in the most unsettling way.

One minute later, the little dude flipped over on his back… and died. I actually felt guilty watching him die, but I’m sorry – not sorry. I’m excited that we now have a safe way to kill scorpions without harming our cats. 🙂

Update & Disclaimer: After writing this, we tried this experiment again on a scorpion that just stung Adrienne on the foot outside. The pain is no joke. We were ready for war so we grabbed the bottle and started soaking the sucker in Flea-eX… he didn’t die. 🙁 Turns out this natural formula kills only certain types of scorpions. Not the Arizona Bark type. Rest assured, however, it does kill all types of fleas, ticks and ants! 🙂

Here’s the video proof from the kitchen:


All Natural Spray for Fleas, Ticks and other bugs!


Flea-eX for Cats



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