If you know us, you know that we’re huge advocates for feeding our cats a fresh food diet. However, even adding a little bit of fresh food to your cat’s bowl can make a big difference. Studies have proven this.

In fact, research shows that simply replacing 20% of your cat’s processed food with fresh can reduce disease by up to 90%! Here’s where most people ask, “what do you mean by fresh food?”

When I say fresh food, I mean human grade, real food that you, yourself, eat. As humans we call salads fresh food and a can of ravioli processed. For our kitties, however, this could be gently cooked or even raw meat and vegetables.

Ways To Add Fresh Food To Your Cat’s Bowl

  1. If you feed kibble (dry food), try replacing a small amount of that food with fresh or steamed broccoli, spinach or other green veggies. Some cats won’t eat vegetables while others love it. You could also put in some cat grass to try and trick them into eating it. All cats love wheat grass, right?
  2. If you feed a moist food diet (which we hope you do if feeding processed), try adding some meat. As obligate carnivores, our cats thrive on animal protein. They need meat to survive and the more fresh meat they get, the better. While at the market, grab some ground beef, turkey or chicken. 90% lean is best. Take a spoonful or more of the meat and just mix it in with your kitty’s wet food. While the meat alone isn’t a fully balanced diet, a small amount to an already balanced meal is a bonus. If you are scared of raw meat, cook it a little first. But don’t overcook it because many nutrients are lost in the cooking process.

This is a very simple way to get your kitty eating some fresh food and helping her overall health!



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