Halloween is one of my favorite holidays – but it can get tricky when you have cats running around. We must be sure not to get so caught up in the fun that we forget our kitties! Here are some Halloween tips and tricks on how to have a good time while keeping your cats happy and safe.

Halloween Tips and Tricks for you and your Cats

  1. First and foremost – bring your kitties inside. Cats that spend time outside are at a much higher risk of falling victim to this holiday. While I’d like to think that all people are kind to animals, that’s just not the truth. Statistics show that Halloween is one of the most dangerous holidays for cats. Especially black cats. Mean people do mean things to animals and we don’t want our cats to risk this danger. Also, the scary little trick-or-treaters making loud noises and dressed up as goblins can cause our outdoor cats stress. Avoid all these issues by bringing your kitty inside!
  2. Dress up your cat if they don’t mind. Don’t dress them up if they hate it! We’re all guilty of trying to put a pretty collar, outfit or scarf on our kitties. Our kittens don’t necessarily like it, but they’ll tolerate it for a picture and won’t run from me after I take it off. If you fell like you absolutely need a picture – and you’re not going to scare the beegeebees out of your cat – take the pic and then just take off the Halloween costume. If you’re kitty will not tolerate a costume, just use a filter on your phone instead. No need to cause unnecessary stress.
  3. Forfeit the candles. Candles are a thing on this holiday, but commercial candles create toxic air for our cats to breathe. Plus, if not placed in a safe spot, your fluffy kitty may just burn himself. This happened to our cat once… his tail was singed by our badly placed candle. Thank God it didn’t catch on fire – and very grateful we were there to see it happen! Lesson learned! If you are going to light candles to enjoy some festive aromas, try using a coconut wax candle without paraffins. If the smell isn’t a thing you need, use LED lights instead!
  4. Give your cats a natural calming solution. The ringing of the doorbell and knocks at the door can really cause anxiety – and we need our kitties to enjoy the holiday too! Try giving them a calming formula that will help relieve the stress.
  5. Don’t forget to have fun. Energy is everything – and our cats know it and feel it. Even if you’re staying in for the evening with just your cats, have some fun! Try putting on some cat makeup and spend time being cats together!

So there are some Halloween tips and tricks for you and your kitties. Now go and enjoy the holiday!


Calming Formula for Cats


Cat Calm Stress Reducing Liquid Formula



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