Keeping your cat’s teeth clean isn’t always the easiest task for us cat parents. Dental care is one of those things that we tend to overlook. We’ve been guilty of this too, which is why we’re sharing this information with you now. There are...
Dental care for cats is very important because an infection in their teeth can leak to other organs in their bodies. We encourage you to take your kitties to the vet for annual dental exams, but keeping their teeth healthy at all times is important. If you brush your...
The myth that kibble is good for our cat’s teeth still infiltrates our pet communities and vet clinics for some unknown reason. However, many health conscious cat parents are starting to realize that this thought doesn’t make sense and are now looking for...
Stomatitis in cats has nothing to do with your cat’s stomach – like it sounds. Feline stomatitis is a painful, chronic oral disease in cats. It’s thought to be autoimmune in nature and happens when the immune system overreacts to plaque build up on...
The Feline Essential all-natural product line is designed specifically to help cats live longer, healthier lives through the power of real nutrition. It’s our goal to inspire and empower cat parents with the knowledge and products needed to give our furry friends the best and longest life possible.
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