I know there are many things that can be added to this list – but here are 5 things I think cats hate!

1. Dirty Litter Boxes

While cats don’t take baths or showers like people, they are fastidious cleaners. Most are usually more hygienic than some humans I know. This instinct for cleanliness extends into their ‘bathroom’ as well. If cats had opposable thumbs, they would likely clean their litter box every time it was used. But the responsibilities attached to opposable thumbs fall to us. Please scoop all litter boxes at LEAST once a day. Give the whole box a good bath and fill will all fresh litter at least once a month. Otherwise, I suspect your cats will hate their bathroom as much as you would hate using a dirty, sticky, smelly outhouse every day.

2. Swampy Water

Fresh water is so important most all living things. Be sure to wash your cat’s water bowl every day and refill with fresh water. For fountains, wash thoroughly at least once every 3 days. Be sure to wash all parts and pieces of the pump as well. And stay away from plastic bowls or fountains as these leach bacteria (some very harmful) that can never fully be cleaned.

3. Strong Fragrances

A cat’s sense of smell is many times more powerful than our own. Have you ever If you’ve ever  felt nauseous or gotten an instant migraine when walking down a perfume aisle at the mall? We have about 40 million scent sensors. Cats have about 200 million. Now imagine what all those plug-ins, aerosol sprays, cleaners, detergents, candles, diffusers smell like to your cat. Not to mention how toxic these synthetic fragrances are for cats (and us). And don’t get me started on scented litters. Just don’t do it. Ever. Please.

4. Getting Scruffed

This can be a hot topic for some cat people. Some think picking up a cat by the back of the neck – the way a mama cat picks up her babies – is relaxing. A little research will reveal that this is far from the case for adult cats. Scruffing is usually used (even by some veterinarians) as a way to restrain a cat. For adult cats this can cause pain, stress, and even injury. There is nothing maternal or natural about picking up an adult cat like this. The only time they are scruffed in nature is when a male cat scruffs a female while mating – or when being attacked by a predator.

5. Getting Declawed

As of the writing of this blog (August 2024), three states have outlawed this practice as animal cruelty. More than 42 countries around the world agree. Declawing isn’t a deep nail trim. It’s a surgical amputation of the last bone and claw of each toe of a cat. This causes pain (usually chronic), nerve damage, and degenerative musculoskeletal issues. It also painfully removes a cats ability to defend himself. This can cause declawed cats to become biters out of desperation. Not to mention all this pain and inability to exercise their instincts causes a multitude of other behavioral issues. Besides resorting to biting, declawed cats often develop a litter aversion (because they can’t appropriately or painlessly dig in litter). This quickly snowballs into peeing and pooping in inappropriate places. And this quickly because one of the main reasons these cats are abandoned or surrendered to shelters.

Please. If you are worried about furniture or carpet, get clever about giving your cat an appropriate place to exercise their instinctive need to scratch. If you are elderly, or worry about small scratches causing major issues or injury, please look into humane claw caps. We like Soft Claws – and no, we are not affiliates. We gain nothing from sharing their link – other than hopefully helping another cat keep their precious claws.

SO! What did I miss? Please share a comment with something you know cats hate! Together we can all become better, more compassionate and considerate caregivers to our beautiful cats!



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