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Yes, the video above is a spoof… but the side-effects are not.

The side effects are actually listed verbatim from the websites of the chemical flea treatments most cat parents use (can you guess the 3 popular flea treatments that are parodied by RevoVantageLine?).

What’s sad is that most cat parents don’t pay attention to the side effects – or just don’t think there are any. It’s assumed that if a company is allowed to sell the product, then it’s safe for cats.

And that’s unfortunately not true.

What’s worse is many veterinarians still recommend these chemical flea treatments. There’s a serious problem when medical professionals are giving pet parents pesticides to make their kitties toxic so that fleas won’t be attracted to them. Or maybe it’s just a lack of knowledge.

The side effects of chemical flea treatments aren’t always immediate, which is also misleading. Here’s how the typical story goes…

Sally takes Fluffy to the vet because she has fleas. The vet treats Fluffy with a chemical flea treatment. Fluffy is flea-free. A few weeks later Fluffy suddenly starts having seizures (or has chronic drooling, or won’t eat, or…). Sally and the vet have no idea what could have caused this, so they put Fluffy on a medication to help. I could continue this story, but let’s just stop here for now…

You see how this works? Because no one read the list of side effects, because the veterinarian recommended it and because everyone in this situation (except for Fluffy – she didn’t get a vote) assumed that the flea treatment was safe, Fluffy has to suffer the consequences.

Don’t let your cat suffer the consequences. There are so many natural, effective and chemical-free flea treatments that are available to you and your kitties. Heck, you can even look up DIY remedies for fleas! Why risk your cat’s health for a quick fix?


Natural Flea Control For Cats (& Dogs)


Flea-eX for Cats



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