Cat parents are becoming more and more aware of the long term side effects associated with traditional flea products. Because they want to protect their cats from these toxins, many are searching for a more natural flea treatment instead.

It’s sometimes hard to believe that there’s anything that could work just as well as the chemicals, but it’s true. We’ve been conditioned to believe that medicine is the answer to everything. There’s a pill for every ill, and that goes for our cats too. Putting chemicals in their bodies is one answer to get rid of the fleas – but it comes with a price.

You see, when we apply flea treatments on or inside our cats it releases toxins that fleas don’t like. The toxic chemicals are why you have to apply many of these treatments to the back of the neck. If a kitty licked the flea treatment it could be dangerous. This is also why they are not recommended for kittens.

So instead we just leak the chemicals into their blood stream. Sounds smart, right?

Let’s just list a few of the many short and long term side effects associated with traditional flea treatments: “muscle tremors, excessive salivation, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, small pupils, muscle tremor, weakness or falling over, seizures, and drooling.

In addition, one report I read said that over 2000 animals have died in North America over the past few years “as a result of exposure to flea and tick treatment products.

The good news is that there’s a natural flea treatment that is safe for cats, kittens, dogs, etc. and works just as well as the chemical products! Flea-eX is chemical-free, safe for ingestion while grooming, easy to administer and doesn’t contain any toxins! This means that your cats can be flea free without any side effects!


Natural Flea Treatment For Cats (& Dogs too!)


Flea-eX for Cats



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