
Vira-X Anti-Viral Cat Supplement

(104 customer reviews)

Original price was: $51.95.Current price is: $48.95.

Vira-X provides powerful anti-viral support for cats of all ages. This formula is a super-potent proprietary blend that attacks viral infections at their source. Vira-X uses lysozymes, a natural protective enzyme, that breaks through the cell walls of pathogens and helps eliminate the invasive infection at its core!


Purrfect for:

  • FeLV Positive Cats
  • Cold and Flu Virus
  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (Herpesvirus)
  • Feline Calicivirus
  • Feline Panleukopenia Virus (Distemper)
  • Chronic Upper Respiratory Infections
  • And Much More!

In stock (can be backordered)

The formula in our ViraX supplement was inspired by our own painful battle with FeLV and is designed specifically to help all cats who are battling viral issues of any kind. We back this powerful product with our unconditional money-back guarantee so you can help your feline friend fast, effectively - and worry free! If you cat is suffering from a virus, let ViraX get the job done!

How it Works: Simply fill the ViraX dropper tube halfway and give to your cat (via wet food or syringe), twice daily for 3-4 days.

Thereafter, ViraX may be added to wet food once daily for general maintenance of health.

Ingredients: Helix water, sodium chlorite, lysozymatic enzymes derived from fruits and vegetables, glycerin, guar gum, soybean oil, steric acid and vanillin.

Vira-X is non-toxic and non-corrosive. It is also human, pet and plant friendly.

Have Questions? Email us at or text us at 702-466-1150


Additional information

Weight 3.8 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 6 in

104 reviews for Vira-X Anti-Viral Cat Supplement

Based on 97 reviews
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  1. Miriam

    dont know how it works but my cat is now in remission since taking this

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  2. Kerrie (Verified Customer)

    I was at a loss after buying many medications from vets-trying to help my cat breath without so much mucus. Nothing helped and my poor cat suffered having so much shoved down her throat.Some how I heard about the Cat Ladies- what a blessing. They suggested Vira-X- Anti-Viral and it is truly a miracle for my cat. The Cat Ladies know their business and I trust them totally-their natural products are wonderful!!

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  3. KIRK & Candilee W W DINGER (Verified Customer)

    So Grateful and Amazed I have my lil boy back to ol self again, playing jumping around like a kitten in only a few days of this med, he was on the mend with just VitaminC,and good moist food, I refused to spend $300+ at vet again and my baby suffer weeks on different meds with no answers to why this happened 2x now..found Two Crazy Cat Ladies on Youtube how lucky was that!!!!.. but this med gave my furbaby his life back in just a few days! Fast easy shipping, wonderful ladies to help with anything just a call if you have any questions is just amazing to me. Cause Im a Crazy cat person too!! Now both my cats seem healthy and vibrant again,no more so called cat flu or upper respiratory infection with pneumonia ..We couldnt be happier with Two Crazy Cat Ladies products Thank you so much! Candilee&Kirk <3

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  4. Candace Nobbe (Verified Customer)

    Our baby, Tess, recently suffered a URI after an elongated visit to the vet. Unfortunately, she got the herpes virus when we first adopted her, so if she gets stressed, her illness comes back. Tess is the fussiest when it comes to medicine and I can easily give this to her, since it has no smell or taste. Vira-X helped reduce the duration time of the URI and it keeps her herpes virus at bay! Thank you so much for helping our Tess with your wonderful product!

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  5. Meghan Waals (Verified Customer)

    This product in combination with oxycat is 100% a literal lifesaver!

    in January 2018 I had a litter get extremely sick out of nowhere. They had swollen, red goopy eyes that didn’t improve with colloidal silver diffused, oral or ocularly nor with commercial veterinary grade eye antibiotic creams despite being naturally reared on a balanced raw diet and colostrum added to the food. They developed a cough and soon we lost two kittens. The ER diagnosed them with pneumonia after with PCR results chlamydia, mycoplasma, and calicivirus. To avoid more lost kittens we started Clavamox which wasn’t working well than azithromycin as well as a probiotic and numo care c from Amber Naturalz. After a few weeks the remaining three were back to normal.

    In April the same thing started happening. Again nothing was working despite different protocols including a better colloidal silver, nosodes etc. . I really wanted to avoid antibiotics in such young babies. I ordered azithromycin just in case at the same time I ordered Vira and oxy cat. Very quickly I noticed changes in a positive direction. It did take about 4 weeks for them to get back to normal but I excepted as much (and honestly nothing at all).
    This product saved my kittens’ lives and I NEVER had to use antibiotics. I will ALWAYS keep these two products on hand at a minimum.

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  6. Victor Lawrence (Verified Customer)

    Vira-X cured my cats’ stuffy, nose/wheezing/congestion and eye discharge. Jae suggested the URI never fully healed and was likely causing symptoms. Symptoms disappeared after 3 weeks of Vira-X. This is amazing. Thank you for this product.

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  7. Brianna Rae (Verified Customer)

    This review is long overdue. I’ve been using TCCL products for months now and have had nothing but great results. My cat had a nasty URI and none of the medicine from the vet was working. I had some Vira-X leftover from a kitty who passed from FELV and decided to give it a try since it’s an anti-viral. I gave it to my cat on a Thursday evening, then again Friday morning before I left for work. When I got home from work, he didn’t sneeze at all, his nose wasn’t running and he overall felt so much better. I was amazed and can say with confidence, that their products do work.

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  8. Heather (Verified Customer)

    Jury is out if this does anything for FIV. I haven’t seen any major results. Wish I could find something that worked. I have 2 cats with FIV that have different symptoms.

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  9. Abbey Smith (Verified Customer)

    This stuff works! My old lady is around 13. She gets, what I think is, chronic respiratory infections. She has been to the vet countless times for this. They give her a slow release antibiotic, that lasts about 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks is up, she is back to sneezy and snotting. I found this site because, I too, am a crazy cat lady ! If your cat has similar symptoms, try this stuff!!! It’s amazing!! Not even a sneeze in almost a week!

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  10. Angela Crowe (Verified Customer)

    I got this because every fall & winter my cats catch a kitty cold, and it started approx. a week ago (mid Sept.). They stopped sniffling and sneezing after first dose.

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  11. Rebecca Parker (Verified Customer)

    Thank you – this formula is great – I already left a comment on your website but I will continue to buy this product -my cat is much better z- higher energy – less congestion and I have only been giving it on his food for a week now

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  12. Jana Adams (Verified Customer)

    I have two FIV + male cats and I give them this when I see anything coming on – runny eyes, runny nose, etc. It definitely works and they’re better after a few days.

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  13. cathy (Verified Customer)

    vita-x is a great product for feline herpies love it he crazy cat ladies very helpful and caring ❤️

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  14. Nancy Adams (Verified Customer)

    Fabulous product! My older boy has trouble with upper respiratory infections that normally would end up needing a vets intervention. He started again with sneezing and signs of another problem arising so I put him on Vita-X and within a couple of days he was all better! No more sneezing and no signs of illness! Love it!

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  15. Kim Reece (Verified Customer)

    I saw a big change in my cat’s appetite after I started him on the Vira X . He could smell his food again. Thank you

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  16. Priya (Verified Customer)

    Seems to help with digestion and immunity. Just started so will give update after a while.

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  17. Sheryl (Verified Customer)

    Good Morning, On a very high recommendation, I sent for the Vira-X to help my kitty who seems to have a combination of the herpes virus plus seasonal allergies; drippy eyes and nose, sneezing, wheezing . . . Since she was a rescue from a shelter, this is pretty common. I’m cautiously going to say she seems to be better, but it’s only been a few days so far, so it’s hard to give a definitive rating. I will continue with fingers crossed that this will do the trick ! ! THANK YOU.

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  18. Bayla Baker (Verified Customer)

    This product is AMAZING! My little rescue guy no longer sneezes continuously and his breathing is SO MUCH BETTER. He is actually purring.

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  19. Sahari (Verified Customer)

    My FIV+ boy had 6 vet visits in the 2 months after I adopted him, and he just didn’t seem to be getting any better. I tried this and noticed a difference right away! It’s been 6 weeks and he has been symptom free from his respiratory issues. So glad I tried this, and I bet he is too!

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  20. Sally (Verified Customer)

    Great stuff. Helps with our cat’s allergies.

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  21. Kami Stevens (Verified Customer)

    Before Vira-X. when one of my FELV+ kittens had a fever, a trip to the vet for fluids and antibiotics was inevitable. Shortly after I received Vira-X, one of my kittens came down with a fever and I doubled the dosage of Vira-X and syringe fed him Pedialyte. The fever passed without a trip to the vet. Word of Caution: Make sure the bottle is out of reach of cat paws. My crew has knocked two bottles to the floor already (they both shattered). This of course is not a critique of the product, I just want to save others from the same “fate” because money and time are valuable. especially when sick kitties are involved.

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  22. Jessica Garcia (Verified Customer)

    This works so fast! My cats kept sneezing I thought allergies but I believe it was the cat cold or upper respiratory infection. Two to three days I saw a huge difference. I gave my cats less dry food. Only wet food, tuna and cooked chicken with this. I will buy more when I run out.

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  23. LESLIE SHILKA (Verified Customer)

    You’re asking me to a review product that you claimed shipped 10 days ago and tracking shows it is still sitting in Vegas!! Not very happy about that!

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  24. Kelley Ebner (Verified Customer)

    Don’t know yet, we just received it. Give us a minute!

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  25. Susanna Clark (Verified Customer)

    We are a week into adding Vir-X in her food. I haven’t heard her sneeze, snore or gulp (mucus). She has allergies.
    We did 4 days of twice a day in her wet food. Now, we are adding only once a day pairing with CAtalyst in her second meal.
    I can give 5 stars on CATalyst as well! Beautiful fur, bright eyes and fewer hairball surprises! We have been applying CATalyst to her food for about a year.
    Ziva is a beautiful senior kitty, pushing 13 years, living her best life.

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  26. Pam Webster (Verified Customer)

    When we adopted our orange tabby about 6 months ago, he had gotten a cold. I had told the vet, but she acted like I didn’t know what I was talking about, and didn’t do anything to help him. I heard about this, so I figured it was worth a try. He has been on it for about a week, and already he seems to have improved a lot. Thank you so much!

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  27. Roberta (Verified Customer)

    I wasn’t sure if Callie had a cold or an allergy problem when he started having sneezing fits a couple of weeks ago. I started him on Vira-X and after three days, the sneezing stopped completely. I was amazed. Because he is FIV+, I was very worried about an upper respiratory infection. I gave Vira-X to Tiny so he wouldn’t get sick either and he never did. Both boys have no problem taking your products with food and lick their bowls clean. I also have Callie on CATalyst and Vita-Cat which help support his immune system because his appetite never waned when he was sick. I now keep an extra bottle of Vira-X on hand. Mahalo Adrienne and Jae for all that you do to keep our furbabies healthy. Your products are the best.

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  28. Luis (Verified Customer)

    Tremendous product for my cat that has a FELV diagnosis. This supplement has been essential for your health and is perfectly fine.

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  29. Eileen Gerrity

    Want to order Vira-x for distemper for pet raccoon–have question on sodium chlorite–online says:Sodium chlorite — also referred to as chlorous acid, sodium salt textone, and Miracle Mineral Solution — is composed of sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), and oxygen (O2).

    Many claims have been made for its use as a health supplement. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source warns that it’s a dangerous, potentially life threatening chemical that should never be swallowed. So why is this in Vira-X??

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  30. Rhonda Money (Verified Customer)

    My feral rescue has had horrible eye infections leading to corneal ulcers for over 18 months. It was so bad at one point, she almost lost her eye. Her vet determined it was viral and we have been on compounded anti -viral drops as well as several different antibiotic ointments. At best, she has had limited improvement with frequent flare ups. We have now finished the first bottle of Vira-X and her eye is so much better. In the beginning, we were also using Oxy-cat as an eye wash but now she is receiving only Vira-X twice a day. She is a big girl so really only a single dose divided. I’m am cautiously optimistic that we finally have a solution that works! Thank you Two Crazy Cat Ladies!

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  31. Michelle Blake (Verified Customer)

    Vira-x is the best product ever! My cat has chronic upper respiratory infections, she gets a few bouts a year and once I see signs of an oncoming infection I start giving this to her twice a day until her symptoms subside. I really love this product. I use this in combination with Oxycat. Please don’t ever stop making it.

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  32. Ashlyn (Verified Customer)

    i was giving my cat meds from the vet since my cats cold was getting worst. it upset his stomach so bad. finally i ordered the anti-viral cat supplement & within a couple of days i already saw a difference of my cat getting better. thank you! life saver.

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  33. Andoro (Verified Customer)

    This stuff really works for Herpes virus, my cats are much better since using this product. I will definitely pass this on to friends and buy product again! Thank you Cat Ladies! =^..^=

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  34. Antonia Twinem

    I’ve only been using it for a week, but my big kitty seems much better from his sneezing and chest full!!! He doesn’t mind the taste at all either, which I was worried about. I will purchase again! These gals know what they’re doing! Thank you 😊

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  35. Victoria Ross (Verified Customer)

    My cat developed a perpetually weepy eye at 2 years old, and the vet said it was likely residual effects from a nasty respiratory infection she had at 5 weeks old. I started giving her Vira-X daily in a lickable treat and it has made a huge difference! Her eye runs significantly less and in fact, if she goes without it for a couple days it kicks right back into high gear. I’m thrilled that I don’t have to wipe her eyes every day, which she absolutely hates, and I’ll be keeping this in my arsenal for her always!

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  36. Cheryl (Verified Customer)

    My normally healthy cat had been battling a nasal congestion along with runny right eye , for quite awhile. Several antibiotics kept the infection from getting worse, but she was not getting better. Since I didn’t have Vira-X, I started to give her Oxy-cat the last few days of her antibiotic, plus a drop in her eye. I started to see an improvement, and her eye stopped running! She was still far from better so I ordered Vira-X. WOW. Seriously. No more congestion after 2 days of 2 doses. She was so much better, and you can just tell she felt better! I am giving her one dose a day now, but she is back to her old self, which is amazing! I will now try to keep both products on hand for sure! I give it to her by syringe, she tolerates it very well.

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  37. Laura Reuther (Verified Customer)

    I have noticed some improvement in my cat’s chronic upper respiratory infection, but not as drastic as others have reported. I think having a measurement gauge on the dropper would be helpful,

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  38. Dina Boyce (Verified Customer)

    My 9 year old cat has allergies & he gets so congested & has ‘reverse sneezes’. I spent $300 for the allergy tests & found he was allergic to mostly outdoor pollen . So I got the serum (another $250) & we’ve been giving it to him in increments for about 5 mos now, every 14 days. Shortly after each injection, he gets an allergy attack that always ends up as an uri. Then I pay $50 for antibiotics injection which clears him up til the next serum injection is due. I’m going broke making my cat sick more often than before! So I’m stopping the injection of serum and putting him on TCCL meds. I’ve gotten every one and so far this vira-x seems to be holding off the allergy symptoms and the uri’s . Time will tell when pollen season starts here shortly. But 🤞. should I be giving him the vitamin c also? I do but not every day.

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  39. cucatoo52 (Verified Customer)

    This product has helped my 3 feline herpes cats. Their symptoms have lessened, and we are all so very happy!

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  40. Patricia Hansen (Verified Customer)

    This helped my cat with his URI issue. This was a good decision to buy.

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  41. Renee Michelle Moreau (Verified Customer)

    I too have horror stories about veterinarian care that misdiagnosed and mis-prescribed solutions for my senior cat. A holistic practitioner recommended homeopathy and this product to resolve chronic autoimmune inflammatory rhinitis. His sinus not only fully resolved after 4 days so stuffy, wasn’t eating, in one week he’s a whole new cat. I got caught up in the gears of an industry that’s broken. Holistic care is the way of a cat. Lesson learned. Let the animals lead. So grateful for all these excellent supplements that restore gut health.

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  42. Colleen McGrath (Verified Customer)

    I absolutely love the vira x . My cat, Muggie Muggie Google
    Google, was hoarse and had the worst cough, I gave her viral x with catalyst and in 24 hrs she was much much better. Thank you for carrying both products. 10 stars.

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  43. Kelly (Verified Customer)

    Vita-X and some other immune products is helping my cats chronic herpes eye. I am so grateful to have found you guys! Thank you!

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  44. Toni Cash (Verified Customer)

    My kitty was miserable with URI and I gave this to her and she felt so much better. Her congestion disappeared in less than 48 hrs and her breathing was so much better. This is a lifesaver for kitty’s with chronic resp infections. And surprisingly they don’t mind the taste at all, my cats act like they don’t even know that it’s in there and they are extremely finicky and aware when most things are added to their food. But not this stuff, it’s worth the money to see the quality of life come back for your kitty. Thank You Two Crazy Cat Ladies from another Crazy Cat Lady.

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  45. Anna (Verified Customer)

    Vira-X was great! I had been giving colloidal silver and homeopathic fever/ infection drops for two weeks with no real results. Four days of this stuff and no more coughing, sneezing or bubbling noses! Highly recommend!

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  46. Martha Grix (Verified Customer)

    Seems to be working very well so far, my two furbabies are not as congested and sneezy less but I’m going to keep them on it for now and hopefully it will clear them up completely, thanks 👍

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  47. Rachel (Verified Customer)

    I purchased this for my cat who had been sneezing and wheezing. These drops are great, he is healthy as a horse. I will continue to give this as he gets better.

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  48. Joyce (Verified Customer)

    I have been giving this for about 2 weeks. I haven’t had a chance to do a blood test yet, but my FIV + cat is much more active and her appetite is GREAT. I hope her anemia improves. We will see, but for now she is much improved.

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  49. Tammy Barker (Verified Customer)

    We are using for our cats that have FIP and FELV it seems to be working to help them with their immunity and health.

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  50. sammarieashe (Verified Customer)

    This saved my cat’s life! And my sanity. She developed a bump on her forehead just above her eyes in the center in early October 2022. Vet took a needle aspirate, looked under microscope, and said it’s cancer. That devastated me! My kitty, Dot, is my oldest furkid, and completely bonded to me. She’s my companion day in and day out. Having the cancer diagnosis wasn’t good. So vet said “nothing I can do, it’s inoperable, just keep her comfy.” Well there’s something I could do… research. Try. I tried steroids. They didn’t work much, and the bump came back bigger. By about mid-December it was the size of a half golf ball. I tried antibiotics – Dot refused to take them no matter what I tried. The steroids she started rejecting that routine, too. I got Vira-X and started her on it right away. The next day – her bump was half size. The following day – it halved again. In five days it was TOTALLY GONE. Her forehead was flat again. No more sneezing, no wheezing, no mucus (all things I’d relayed to the vet), and the swelling on her nasal bridge between her eyes was going down. Another week and she was fully normal again. Vira-X is awesome for kitty-cats!! My three cats will keep this in their rotation of good things that helps keep them in purrfect health.

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  51. Veronique Prezeau (Verified Customer)

    I had hoped this product would help my sweet Diana, but she was too far gone with her respiratory infection. She passed away on 1/19/23. Your products are incredible, and really helped her overcome her Hyperesthesia. I can’t stop recommending your products to all my cat parents.

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  52. pjgerrior (Verified Customer)

    Didn’t realize how stressed out my kitties were after having to lock them in the laundry room for a day while contractors worked in our house. My one girl came down with an upper respiratory and was sneezing her head off. I bought the Vira X and put it in her food along with oxy and catalyst. She was over her sniffles in a jiff. Then her brother got it. He was taking longer until I realized I needed to up the dose due to he’s a bit bigger than her. He is starting to come around. I Cant say enough about these products! Love you guys! and my Cats love you too.

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  53. Ubey62 (Verified Customer)

    ViraX and catalyst keep my baby girl healthy,she suffers from feline leukemia. Glad I found 2crazy cat ladies

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  54. Ellie McCaffrey (Verified Customer)

    Sorry this is going to be long. Chloe 14 yrs. old has been to 5 different vets for her condition without any to be able to fully say what is wrong with her. Every year it starts with vomiting, sneezing with discharge, scratching to a point where she losses fur in her hind quarters and scabs on her ears. Most say environmental allergies. I give her baths during the summer when it’s worse. I started her on the Vira – X and after 2 days she threw up violently so I stopped then the sneezing started again. There are no homeopathic vets anywhere close. She hates car rides too and vomits in the carrier. I have been giving here the Catalyst, Vita Cat and Oxi Cat. Frustrated.

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  55. Annette (Verified Customer)

    My little Muffin has been dealing with chronic respiratory infections one and off for I don’t know how long. The Vet said it was allergies and to give her over the counter allegy meds. That didn’t work at all. I saw a video about Vira-X and decided to give it a try. We started 3 days ago and I can already see the difference. She has all but stopped sneezing. I don’t hear her breathing anymore next to me at night. It’s a miracle! Thank you both so much!

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  56. Tammy Featherstone (Verified Customer)

    My kitty got an upper respiratory infection after being spayed and the antibiotics that she was given werent helping her. I started goving her your Vira X and within 1 day i started noticing improvement in her appetite and energy and the sparkle came back in her eyes. She is doing awesome now. Thanks a bunch

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  57. Roy & Carol (Verified Customer)

    Our cat Rocky is suffering from a buggery nose and often sneezing for a few months now. We have given him L-Lysine for 3 months with no improvement. We received the Vira-X on 3/16 and quickly started him on it 2x/d making sure he finished the entire dose. Very disappointing to this date 3/22 that nothing has changed, we’re at odds what to try next. Anybody out there that can help us, please?

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  58. Annabelle

    I was skeptical but desperate to treat my cats at home. I was giving them a probiotic and immune support but it wasn’t quite enough. Every time my orange tabby has a FHV flare up, it always results in an ER trip. I treated him, with Vira-x, when he was very sick and it brought him back to health. My ragdoll started to sneeze too and it prevented him from getting sicker. They received a cocktail of vira-x, a sinus support drops, and an upper respiratory support drops 3 times a day in wet food. They didn’t notice a taste too! Im so thankful for the product!!

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  59. Brenda (Verified Customer)

    Viral x works . My baby is 2 years old and has chronic respiratory problems. This has helped him so much . No more wheezing. He breathes so much better. This is my second purchase and we’ll kerp buying.

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  60. MK (Verified Customer)

    I witnessed a very quick turnaround in my orange boy’s viral conjunctivitis after using Vira-X. This was after trying several other supplements and of course daily L-lysine. He’s now a senior- lifelong feline herpes sufferer. Can’t thank you enough for the difference this has made for him. Meowza!

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  61. Edwin

    Purchased Virax due to symptoms associated with feline calicivirus and and a few other infections. Mainly excess mucus and excessive nasal/eye discharge. Used as directed and I saw no difference since Bean first started the treatment. Went through the whole bottle and still no improvement in his condition. Suffice to say I’m pretty disappointed as this was my last line of hope after months of unsuccessful veterinary treatments.

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  62. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    It has really made a difference with my kitten who is FeLV positive. She has more energy, eats more, and has a better quality of life. Thank you (:

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  63. Lisa B. (Verified Customer)

    My cat has started to lick at his fur and has some scabs. This started after using this product. I have written to ask for feedback and if others have reported this at all? No response. I had just ordered two more bottles but now I don’t know what to do. Have stopped giving it for now to see if his condition improves. Maybe I was giving too much ? Just need a response to help figure it out.

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  64. Corie Chavez (Verified Customer)

    I’m very pleased with the Vira-X. It has helped my 3 month old kittens. They were sick with sneezing and with their respiratory.

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  65. Jessica Arias (Verified Customer)

    One of the best supplements for my cats Milo and jack 😻 thank you 😊

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  66. Patricia (Verified Customer)

    My cat Nyla and her sister Willow have suffered with upper respiratory infections and viruses that led to infections. The vets have had them on antibiotics and l lysine and everything under the sun. After one week they both were almost symptom free. They now play like kittens again. Truly a miracle. We use this with Catalyst. Thank you Two crazy cat lady’s!!!

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  67. Susan (Verified Customer)

    Arrived and kitties feeling great

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  68. Julie A. (Verified Customer)

    My Nikki boy. They is recovering after after about three weeks of having an upper upper respiratory illness. I used both your product. And I had to use antibiotics because he continued to have a bacterial as well as a viral infections. He does seem to be on the mend. Thank you!

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  69. Lois (Verified Customer)

    Recently adopted 2 kittens from a rescue and one came with a snotty nose. Put both boys on this right away, along with Catalyst and Breath. Within a week, the boy that was ill is well, & the other boy has stayed healthy.

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  70. Gina Ruvalcaba (Verified Customer)

    Excellent product

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  71. Kerry Keane (Verified Customer)

    It’s just been 2 weeks since using but I can already see a huge difference for my 14 year old kitty. I’ve had him for a wellness check visit twice in the last two months because I was afraid it was time to put him down. So far the large cancer tumor on his face has shrunk noticeably and I can tell he is breathing better. I am SO thankful to have found this!!!

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  72. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    I’m still being watchful. I started using it 5 days ago, waiting to be sure of results. I absolutely appreciate your email with the check up question regarding my order. Not every business would have done that. Thank you for your rare integrity.
    I will make a noted reminder 2 update u on my Colony’s progress.

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  73. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    It really makes a difference in my cat’s mood and energy 🙂

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  74. Roberta M. (Verified Customer)

    I also keep Vira-X on hand and give it to my FIV+ kitty daily. It has helped him tremendously and has kept him healthy.

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  75. Amy (Verified Customer)

    I have community cats and when they get an upper respiratory virus this product really seems to help to get it under control.
    Yes I would recommend 😊

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  76. Alice S. (Verified Customer)

    I’m using this on a 17 year old cat with a long history of herpetic infections. He might be a tad better so far, I’m of disappointed. I will let you know how this works going forward. Kind of expensive…..

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  77. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    Very good. Thank you.

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  78. Danyelle R. (Verified Customer)

    Definitely a LIFESAVER. My cats have had upper respiratory issues off and on and this has worked wonders.

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  79. Kenneth Furger (Verified Customer)

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  80. Hallianna Chapman (Verified Customer)

    It has only been a week since I started my cat on Vira X, but her breathing is less labored. I am very pleased.

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  81. Clara (Verified Customer)

    Friendly company

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  82. Carrie (Verified Customer)

    My cat has fully recovered due to the vira – x

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  83. Myron Hudson (Verified Customer)

    Easy to place the order. Product arrived sooner than expected. Product seems to be working i.e. our cat’s eye is clearing up. What more could we ask for?

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  84. Holly Gill (Verified Customer)

    Started to help my 13 year all cat

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  85. Wilmam

    We’ve been feeding and sheltering a male feral cat since December 2023. We put 2 patio chairs together and made him a “homeless shelter” with 2 heating pads on our front porch. We named him Spike because one of his ears was clipped and we figured he has to be pretty tough to survive for the 2 yrs we’ve seen him in the neighborhood. Turns out the clip means he was TNR’d (great!). Spike had a vellow discharge from his right eye ever since we first saw him in our area. Since he’s feral, we couldn’t get him in a pet carrier to the vet so I searched the internet for natural/homeopathic ways of treating eye infections and found Two Crazy Cat Ladies and ordered Vira-X and CATalyst about 2 weeks ago. The “before” picture is a little blurry from being blown up, but the “after” pictures speak for themselves. The change in Spike’s eye is amazing! We want to bring him into our family and I just purchased Cat Calm and Oxy-Cat to help with the introduction process to our 3 cats. Fingers crossed! TWO THUMBS UP & 5 STARS!

    Image #1 from Wilmam
    Image #2 from Wilmam
    Image #3 from Wilmam
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  86. Deanna LaBella (Verified Customer)

    My poor cat has been sneezing and congested and snotty for sooo long. Well over a year. Once the discharge had color so we got antibiotics and he felt better for a couple weeks. Then it came back but since the discharge was clear the vet said there is nothing they can do. So he has been suffering. I have tried prebiotics/prebiotics and other drops by Homeopet. The humidifier I put by him gave the room mold. He hates being trapped in the bathroom for steam and it only helps for a night. I was hesitant to spend the money on this product but I went with my gut and tried it because he is worth it and I am so grateful. It has been 1 week. The sneezing is almost gone. 1 sneeze last night. No more congestion and stuffiness. I am so relieved for him and thank you so much to whomever made the suggestion on a Facebook group. This worked for my boy and finally he has relief!
    Thank you thank you thank you!

    Image #1 from Deanna LaBella
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  87. Giovanni (Verified Customer)

    This stuff WORKS! I’ve been feeding a stray mama and her (now) older kittens for almost a year. One day she showed up with what looked like a laceration under her right eye and overall cloudiness. I fed her wet food with a dropper of this and within a few weeks, her eye is practically healed! I’m sure it would’ve worked quicker but it was hard to get only her to eat from that bowl of food with the Vira-X. I’m so relieved her eye is looking so much better now!

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  88. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    Miraculous mixture for our cats. After months of prescriptions, home remedies, and endless cleaning. This cleared up all of our sneezing, nasal drip, and restored appetites within five days (half sooner than that!). Please never stop making this. Thank you for what you do!

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  89. Debora (Verified Customer)

    Website easy to use. Good communication and moderate delivery speed

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  90. Marie Zanfardino (Verified Customer)

    unfortunately, this product did not help my baby.

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  91. Tammy L. (Verified Customer)

    Works better than prescription meds for my cat!

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  92. Karen U. (Verified Customer)

    Great value

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  93. Roberta M. (Verified Customer)

    Love Vira-X, too, and give it to my FIV+ kitty. He also does well on this product. Feline Essential products are amazing.

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  94. Bonnie C. (Verified Customer)

    Vira-X is a great product and helped my guy get over his cold almost immediately. His energy went up and sneezing and congestion went away. Highly recommend it for infections!

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  95. Giedre V. (Verified Customer)

    Looks like is really working for my cat! It is not like magic pill, but we finished 1 st botle, and he get much better, i am not sure if i need to start another one

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  96. Darla Jones (Verified Customer)

    Thank you! Great products!

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  97. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    Not sure yet. I just got it. I really don’t know how long it takes to see results.

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  98. Deborah C. (Verified Customer)

    It changes the color of the wet food and my cats won’t eat it after I put this on their food.

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  99. connie bosworth (Verified Customer)

    Just received , have to let you know.

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  100. Maureen Fischer (Verified Customer)

    made my cats stomach a bit upset but seemed to have done the job.

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  101. Shirley (Verified Customer)

    I have high hopes! My senior cat has been sneezy and had a runny nose for close to two years. I have been to the vet multiple times and they have done everything from giving antibiotics to pulling almost all of his teeth but nothing has helped long-term. He has been using Vira-X for only 4 days but seems to breathe better and not have the mucus he did.

    Image #1 from Shirley
    Image #2 from Shirley
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  102. Leah (Verified Customer)

    I gave this product to my breastfeeding mom and all my kittens are happy and healthy

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  103. Cheryl Canfield (Verified Customer)

    I have not received this product yet.

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  104. Mildred Parker (Verified Customer)


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