Oxy-Cat – 2 oz

(60 customer reviews)


Oxy-Cat is perhaps our most multifaceted product. Used internally, this easy-to-add liquid contains powerful anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and balances the pH levels of stomach acid in our friendly felines. It also oxidizes and cleanses toxins and free radicals without harming the beneficial flora of the gut. Used topically, this pawsome formula fights parasites and heals wounds. Used in a vaporizer, Oxy-Cat will provide respiratory support, breaking up congestion in the chest. It’s a must-have for every kitty household!

Size: 2 ounces


Purrfect for:

  • Digestive Health
  • Respiratory Support
  • Ear mites
  • Feline Herpes 
  • Ringworm
  • Chin Acne
  • Dental Support
  • Oxalate Stones/Crystals
  • Rashes, Cuts, Abrasions 
  • pH Balance
  • Infections
  • And Much More!

In stock (can be backordered)

Oxy-Cat is a safe and stable compound of 1% Sodium Chlorite in reversed osmosis purified water.

Oxy-Cat  is an effective and easy to use alkaline formula that helps to eliminate pathogenic (bad) bacteria and fungal infections while balancing the pH levels of your cat.

Just mix the required amount of Oxy-Cat into your cat's daily wet food.

Directions for oral support: Add 4 drops of Oxy-Cat (per 10 lbs of body weight) into wet food twice daily - or administer with oral syringe or dropper.

Directions for ear support: Add 3-4 drops into ear and massage 3 times per day while problem persists. You can also use a q-tip for application.

Directions for topical support: Apply 2-5 drops to wound 2 times per day until fully healed.

Directions for vaporizer: Add 2 teaspoons of Oxy-Cat into 2 quarts of water in vaporizer and place in small enclosed area with your cat. Do this twice per day for 3-5 days or until symptoms subside.

An added measure: Add 10 drops into your cat's fresh water bowl daily to aid in purification.

Have Questions? Email us at info@twocrazycatladies.com or text us at 702-466-1150

Additional information

Weight 2.1 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 4 in

60 reviews for Oxy-Cat – 2 oz

Based on 57 reviews
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  1. Joan Laurino (Verified Customer)

    Excited to get this larger bottle of Oxy-Cat as its great for so many things for my two cats AND works for people for sore throats and viruses etc.! Great item to have in your medicine cabinet for when someone human or pet is feeling under the weather

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  2. Rachel Black

    Best stuff ever!!! Has saved me many trips to the vet…will always be a staple in my house…love the new bigger size!!!

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  3. Tonya Evans (Verified Customer)

    I am so happy you now have a larger bottle of OxyCat. I have been using it in my babies wet food twice daily, cleaning Missy’s incision twice daily, and on Addy’s chin acne. Missy’s incision looks wonderful & Addy’s chin acne is just about cleared up. When I took Missy for her post op and suture removal the vet said she looks great and to keep doing what I’m doing with her. This will always be a staple in my house!

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  4. Penny Shaffery (Verified Customer)

    I’m using Oxy Cat for herpes in my older gentleman. I don’t know how long it takes to see improvement so I can’t give a perfect review just yet. I’m putting it in his wet food twice daily.

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  5. Pam (Verified Customer)

    I love using Oxy-Cat as an alternative to colloidal silver whenever my cat is experiencing nasal discharge that looks like an infection is developing. It clears it up quickly and very effectively!

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  6. Lynnette Wiegand (Verified Customer)

    I gave the product 5 stars because it works amazing. The shipping notification came one a couple hours after order placed which amazed me. I did pay for faster shipping. Still took longer than I figured to arrive.

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  7. Denise Keefe (Verified Customer)

    I’ve just started adding Oxy-Cat to my kitties’ food everyday. I have 3 elder kitties (two 12 years and one 13) and one youngin’ of nearly 5. He has an autoimmune disease that causes breakouts on his face. I’ve been using Catalyst for about a year now and it is remarkable. Now, along with the Oxy-Cat, I’m seeing even more healing and improvement. My older cats are also getting Oxy-Cat. They are all healthy and happy. I will always have a bottle of both!

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  8. Robyn (Verified Customer)

    I love this product because it really works! Love how it clears up eyes that are inflamed and helps boo-boos heal so fast!!

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  9. Denise Keefe (Verified Customer)

    Still loving this product. On my second bottle and seeing much improvement on my older 13 year old cat. He’s had more energy and much more active.

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  10. Barbara Stewart (Verified Customer)

    I keep the large bottle of Oxy-Cat around because I use it for everything! Ears, nose, skin, and general well-being. Thom is FIV-positive and gets 8 drops morning and evening. It’s part of his supplement regimen which has completely mitigated all of his viral symptoms. I love that Oxy-Cat’s formula does not duplicate other herbal or homeopathic remedies and is an unique adjunct to the other supplements he takes everyday. Using only holistic products and energy healing, he is symptom-free and thriving!

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  11. vegandebby (Verified Customer)

    Love the Oxydrops! My 9 month old grey had an ongoing ear issue in one ear. Colloidal silver was barely touching it and the antibiotic drops from the veterinarian didn’t work. Two doses of Oxycat and the ear suddenly developed a funky odor. One more dose and her ear was back to normal the next morning! No more issues since!

    Thank you, Two Crazy Cat Ladies!

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  12. Justin Choe (Verified Customer)

    My cat was having allergic reactions around his eyes. Only 1 application of this and he has not had a problem in 2 weeks. Thank you ladies so much!!!

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  13. Bayla Baker (Verified Customer)

    My little guy is sooo much better. He checks his water to make sure it is in there!

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  14. Pam Webster (Verified Customer)

    I give it to both of my boys, and they seem to be healthier and more active than ever. Thanks!

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  15. Amrana Malik (Verified Customer)

    I’m so glad I came across this. My beautiful long-haired boy Loki has ringworms. I rubbed this 3x a day and I immediately saw a huge difference within one use. 2 weeks later, his ringworm is gone! He also had a lot of wax build-up in his ear and was always itching. This has helped in preventing the ringworm from spreading and best of all, it’s safe if Loki licks it! It did dye Loki’s fur (from grey to light brown) which is common in light fur cats.

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  16. Nichole Shanks

    This product is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING !!!!! My poor kitty had a sore on his leg and after a few applications of this product…
    Just like magic the sore was healed !!
    Also after applying you could see the instant pain relief and I could virtually seeing the sore disappearing by the second !!
    If you don’t have or buy this product your INSANE !
    It’s absolutely hands down FAN FRICKEN TASTIC!!!

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  17. Emilia Muia (Verified Customer)

    I’m so happy I bought the 2oz Oxy-Cat. First, the shipping was fast and I am in Canada. Secondly, my cat Lucy is back to herself after 2 applications to her chin, she has chin acne and she was not active and hiding from us. After, I applied the Oxy-Cat 2 times, I swear she was active and not hiding and the acne is clearing up. Lucy and I would like to thank you!!!!

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  18. Stephanie Kline (Verified Customer)

    My cat was diagnosed with Allergic Asthma about 7 years ago and the first 2 years was on Prednisone. This was making him sick and causing other issues. We put him on Oxy Cat that helped a lot but then put him on CATalyst along with it and since then, he has little to no attacks and is more vibrant and healthy. This has been a game changer and no more Prednisone. Yay!!!

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  19. Adrienne Arnone (Verified Customer)

    This is an amazing product; works on every cat skin issue.

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  20. adrianne.gant (Verified Customer)

    Think this is helping our cats get healthier after a flea infestation.

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  21. Norma (Verified Customer)

    Wonderful product! I have a little sick kitty that my vet has no idea what is wrong with her. I have spent around 2000 dollars on this baby with no help! This product has improved her health better than anything I have gotten from the vet! She still has a bad sniffle, but her overall health has improved and she feels better! Thank you!!

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  22. Stacy (Verified Customer)

    I give Oxycat to my loves as preventative care daily. Yoda and Perseus thanks💜 The two Crazy Cat Ladies!!!

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  23. Roberta Mau (Verified Customer)

    Oxy-Cat is amazing. My kitty had ear mites and was scratching his ear and shaking his head and it bled. I cleaned it with Oxy-Cat and put a drop in his ear. He immediately stopped scratching and his ear started to clear up. I’m always going to keep it on hand now. Thank you for your wonderful products. They are the only ones I will use on my kitties. They are safe for humans, too.

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  24. Barbara Stewart (Verified Customer)

    I have been using OxyCat for more than two years with my FIV+ kitty who I adopted four years ago at the estimated age of 4. He was very ill and I became suspicious of the conventional pharmaceutical treatments that he was getting so I stopped all of them, realizing that he was only getting sicker. Using Catalyst, Oxycat, and homeopathic and herbal remedies as well as energy medicine (thank you Pam Roussell!), he became symptom-free within a year. I credit these Feline Essentials products with starting my sweet boy on the road to recovery.

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  25. Nancie R. (Verified Customer)

    We love this product. One kitty has FLUTD. Within two days kitty showed signs of vigor appetite and more ease in the box. Also treating another kitty for gingivitis, too soon to say, yet we are hopeful as we have such good luck with this and other products.

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  26. Barbi Upton (Verified Customer)

    I put it in a humidifier for my cats when they sleep and I plug a humidifier in my car for purification of the air I breathe.
    It’s great on cats eyes. I also put it in their water and fountain. I noticed less gunk on the motor and filter;)

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  27. Melanie Perez (Verified Customer)

    My cat still vomits after eating. I have not seen any improvement since using this product. Very disappointed.

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  28. Stephanie K. (Verified Customer)

    I use this in combination with the Catalyst to keep my cat healthy. Love this product.

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  29. Doveva (Verified Customer)

    Disappointed, would not recommend. Purchased for my cats. One with digestive issues. The other with gum issues. Did not see any results. Administered as directed.

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  30. Rosalynn W. (Verified Customer)

    Not sure how to measure how good this is working internally but we give it to both cats twice a day as recommended. And it does work for topical issues.

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  31. Gina Ruvalcaba (Verified Customer)

    Love your product

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  32. Julie K. (Verified Customer)

    No difference in my cats diarrhea still the same. Been to the vet seven times.

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  33. Roberta M. (Verified Customer)

    This is such an amazing product. I keep it on hand all the time. I give it to both kitties daily and it helped get rid of ear mites with one of them. Cleared it up almost immediately and I continue to use it to clean his ears.

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  34. Katarina Hurst (Verified Customer)

    Very good product

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  35. Jennifer L. (Verified Customer)

    Two crazy cat ladies stayed in great contact and made sure delivery came in a timely manner. I heard great things about this product and have yet to try it when my cats get the flu. I’ve heard great things about this product and look forward to using it in the future.

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  36. Clara (Verified Customer)

    Friendly company

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  37. Nancy Brocker (Verified Customer)

    Would like to see coupons time to time for free shipping.

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  38. Roberta M. (Verified Customer)

    I will never be without this product as long as I have kitties. It is keeping them healthy and I clean my 2 cats’ ears with it.

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  39. Barbara Stewart (Verified Customer)

    I have used FE CATalyst and Oxycat for several years with my now 9-year old FIV+ kitty. Thom was very sick when I adopted him five years ago after being on the streets for 4 years. After fully ditching the conventional approach and its assorted pharmaceuticals, which further weakened his immune system, and along with the guidance of Thom’s Earth Angel, Pam Roussell, he has been symptom-free and thriving for the last two years.

    Image #1 from Barbara Stewart
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  40. september (Verified Customer)

    We’ve had a male cat with recurring stomatitis. The 2 crazy cat ladies recommended Catalyst and Oxy. We also added colloidal silver. He’s doing great.

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  41. Cassandra (Verified Customer)

    Amazing product! Helped my cat’s ear heal quickly.

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  42. Margaret R. (Verified Customer)

    Same comment from above review..love this product

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    Image #2 from Margaret R.
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  43. Debra Esteves (Verified Customer)

    Using in Jills nebulizer and as a addition to help with her chronic rhinitis. Happy so far!

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  44. Michelle S. (Verified Customer)

    Love it do does Bella

    Image #1 from Michelle S.
    Image #2 from Michelle S.
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  45. Tessa

    In spite of vaccination/boosters, daily disinfecting, and quarantine standards at our private sanctuary. I have several cats with recurring FHV shedding. Oxy-Cat (along with Vira-X) has reduced the number and duration of recurrences. I have 2 who have shown zero symptoms since completing their initial 5 day treatment of Vira-X and using Oxy-Cat as maintenance. Thank you, Two Crazy Cat Ladies, you have made our lives much easier and far healthier!

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  46. Patricia

    This product is amazing
    I have a 10 year cat names Jasper he has stomatitis
    I’ve searched for products to help him
    His stomatitis is not usual it affects his throat and tongue we couldn’t continue steroid shots as it would eventually cause diabetes he was allergic to many of the herbal tinctures
    I found oxy-cat and catalyst added this to his protocol of homeopathics and colloidal silver it’s mad a huge difference he hasn’t a shot of steroids in 6 months he’s able to eat its such a relief as I was afraid I would lose him
    I also have a 14 year old Damon who was diagnosed with kidney disease this can progress quickly I believe oxy-cat has slowed down the progression along with the catalystband aminavast which was a product recommended by the ladies
    Another one of my cats Alaric started having a drippy eye I put the oxy-cat directly in eye and ot cleared up his eye in 2 days amazing
    Everyone should have this product in their arsenal and never run out

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  47. Roberta M. (Verified Customer)

    As long as I have kitties, I will always keep this product on hand. I use it to clean my kitties’ ears, too, and it keeps my furboys healthy.

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  48. Vanessa C. (Verified Customer)

    I haven’t used it yet but as with all their products I’m sure it works great .

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  49. Madison (Verified Customer)

    Give this product to my kitties daily! Also apply to Electra’s chin when she has problems with acne and it heals right up!

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  50. Sabiha K. (Verified Customer)

    I can’t be without this product. My cats don’t mind the taste at all and it is so helpful. I use it for my cats with IBD but also one of my cats gets Herpes flareups every now and again. This is amazing and so versitile!

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  51. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    Many uses.. ears, cuts, in water etc.

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  52. Anonymous (Verified Customer)

    Bought this product for my cats ear mites. Personally didn’t work or show improvement for any of my cats. :/

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  53. Amy B. (Verified Customer)

    Our 8-yr-old had bad breath since she was a kitten. After major tooth extraction due to resorption, been using Oxy-cat. Her breath smells great. She seems happier overall.

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  54. Pat Y. (Verified Customer)

    Helps to keep my cats immune system in check 👍

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  55. Madison M. (Verified Customer)

    Great product, especially for my Electra who doesn’t wash her face well and gets acne off and on. This clears it right up!

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  56. Roberta M. (Verified Customer)

    Kitties have no problem taking this in their food.

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  57. Gwen Hall (Verified Customer)

    My 15 year old cat, Leroy is doing much better with his kidney disease since I have introduced your kidney care kit.

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  58. Stacy M. (Verified Customer)

    I love this product for my kittie babes. It keeps them healthy.

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  59. Judith (Verified Customer)

    I took on a kitty from a neighbor who has so many cats she can’t keep track of them. This poor baby had a very bad eye infection and nasal congestion. Within about 3 days of using the Oxy-Cat, her eyes were so much better. the congestion in her nose is at least 90% better after a week. Thank you so much. Don’t worry, I won’t be returning this baby to my neighbor.

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  60. Karen (Verified Customer)

    I have not used this product yet. I am going to try it on a cyst my kitty has on her tail. I do like that you can put it in a vaporizer though. I will update after using.

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