Feline Hair & Saliva REMEDY Scan


Take the guesswork out of your cat’s health and test to see exactly what holistic remedies your cat needs with The Feline Hair & Saliva REMEDY Scan! Easily collect saliva and hair samples with included materials and follow the simple instructions for submission. This simple kit uses bioenergetics to scan hundreds of natural remedies and supplements – identifying those most beneficial for your cat’s specific needs. This is a great choice for those who are on a budget and just want answers, or for those who’ve already tested with the Feline Hair & Saliva Test Kit and want to follow up and see what remedies your cat needs now. Test, don’t guess – it’ll save you time, money and energy in the long run.

Test kit is shipped separately from other items in our shop.

The Feline Hair & Saliva REMEDY Scan is a bioenergetic cat assessment that matches your cat with the natural remedies they need for their current health status.

Natural remedies, like herbs, homeopathies, and nutritional supplements, can provide the necessary components to help our cat’s bodies reach optimal health. Instead of guessing which remedies or supplements are going to be best for your cat, the Feline Hair & Saliva REMEDY Kit scans against several therapeutic remedies. They are able to energetically use hair and saliva to identify what an animal’s body is wanting in order to find balance. Although a particular remedy may work well for one animal, a completely different remedy may work best for another, even if the two cats are experiencing similar issues. This takes the guesswork out of what your cat is lacking or needing, making your goals easier to obtain. This Remedy Scan is a great option for everyone! It is especially great for those whose cats aren’t chronically ill but still trying to take the extra steps to feel their absolute best.

Powered by PetMedella – a division of CBHenergetics

DISCLAIMER: This testing does not provide medical advice or services. The bioenergetic products and services offered by 2CCL and PetMedella including, but not limited to, bioenergetic tests, bioenergetic scans, bioenergetic reports and related products and services (collectively the “Bioenergetic Products and Services”) are designed for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition, complaint, illness or medical condition and are not a substitute for professional services or medical advice. Testing is not used for the purpose of obtaining information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease or the assessment of a health condition or for identification purposes. Seek the advice of a veterinarian or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other government agencies or regulatory authorities.


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