Taking care of your cat’s ears is easier than you might think. There are many reasons why cat ears get dirty, and it’s important that you rule out any underlying health condition first. Some cats are just prone to getting gunky ears, even if they’re completely healthy.

We’re seeing more and more cases of yeast issues that surface in many kitty’s ears. Heat makes yeast rise, so it’s common to see yeasty ears if this is what’s happening with your cat. The ears are a warm spot. However, yeast is a result of a gut problem so in addition to keeping the ears clean you’ll want to be sure to support your cat’s gut health with diet and supplementation.

How We Clean Our Cat’s Ears

If you notice that your cat is scratching their ears or shaking their head then you’ll want to get the ears checked by a veterinarian. If they don’t seem to be bothering your kitty, however, then you’ll just want to keep them clean. Our cat, Zorro, has gunky ears from time to time. When we rescued him and his sister they had ear mites, so we trained them young to get used to us cleaning their ears. Zorro just produces more wax, so I clean his ears a few times per month.

If you don’t keep your cat’s ears clean it can result in a bigger problem. Keep an eye on how often they need a cleaning and try to do this proactively. Cleaning the ears regularly will help avoid inflammation or infection.

While Zorro is laying down or sitting still, I simply take a Q-tip, dip it in Oxy-Cat and gently clean the crevices of his inner ear. We used this same product to kill the ear mites and it also will kill yeast. It’s the perfect product to clean kitty’s ears!


Product For Cleaning Cat Ears


Oxy-Cat 1 oz



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