Maybe it’s because we call ourselves the Two Crazy Cat Ladies, but people often think we have more cats than we can handle. But do we?

Well, the answer to that question depends on a variety of factors. Not just for us. For all of us that welcome cats into our families. Cats bring so much joy and companionship into our lives, and for some, one or two cats may be the perfect number. But for others, the cat distribution system may have other plans. However, when we decide to open our hearts and doors to cats, let’s also evaluate some key considerations.

How many cats can you afford to feed?

Each cat needs a proper diet, and feeding costs can add up quickly. Especially if you’re feeding high-quality, species-appropriate food. It’s so important to ensure every cat in your household has access to enough food on a daily basis. It’s also helpful to have some budget set aside for any special dietary needs or supplements.

Can you afford annual vet visits for all your cats?

Regular checkups and bloodwork are crucial to keeping our feline friends healthy. Beyond routine visits, unexpected health issues can arise, leading to unexpected expenses. We can never fully foretell what kind of budget this requires, but try this exercise: Take the bill from the last check-up with full blood panel you had with your cat – and multiply that by the number of cats you have. This is now a conservative total of your annual veterinarian expenses.

Do you have enough space and resources?

Cats thrive in an enriching environment, which means they need space to explore, hide, sleep, and play. Can you provide vertical space for everyone? Hidey boxes? Are you prepared to truly share you home with another species – and compromise on cat hair on your black pants? Also worth considering how many litter boxes you can commit to scooping every day. Litter, food, water, and love are some of the most important resources required by all cats.

Bottom line? Only you know how many cats you can handle. Every cat deserves a safe, healthy, and happy life. Every cat deserves a lifelong commitment from the humans that chooses to open their hearts and homes to them. Let’s do our best to always honestly consider how capable we are of providing the best life for our feline family members.



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