This week Adrienne and I discovered an oh-so-funny app called Face Swap and so we have to share the fun with you. 🙂 Face Swap will access your camera, detect your face and swap your face with another person or an already existing character the app provides. We spent today laughing so hard we cried.

Fun Feline Facts Of The Week:

This week I learned that cats have around 130,000 hairs per each square inch of their bodies. We always wondered why we can only ‘control’ the shedding – but never stop it. It’s all making sense now.

Adrienne learned that cats can experience anxiety that manifests in ways that we wouldn’t necessarily expect – like health issues. Which leads us to the cat tip of the day.

Cat Tip Of The Day:

A common ailment in cats is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). This disease is actually a combination of different urinary issues, of which, Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) is the most prevalent.

What we’ve learned from our research about FIC is that 75-80% of cats who struggle with this ailment will show marked improvement by simply reducing stress levels. Isn’t health a funny thing? Cats experience stress in 3 main categories: Environmental stress, immunologic stress and nutritional stress. If your cat has FIC, give him a consistent routine for eating, sleeping, socializing and playing. Make sure the litter box is a comfortable spot to do his business (quiet and easily accessible). Also, be mindful of the food you feed. Foods with grains, wheat and corn will cause internal stress on a cat. As always, we suggest supplementing their diets with human-grade products like ours. 😉

Favorite Moments Of The Week:

zucchiniMy favorite moment of this week was when 5 zucchini plants popped up in our vegetable garden. Our garden has been my baby this year, and I’m treating it like I do my cats. Last year was different. We planted seeds and then promptly and completely forgot about it – so of course, nothing ever came of it. I was ecstatic when I saw these new veggies start to pop up and join the clan!

adelineAdrienne’s favorite moment of the week was when she got the call that her niece, Adeline, was just born! This will officially make her an aunt of 10 nieces and nephews! Adeline was smiling from the moment she came out of the womb and we are both very excited about meeting this gorgeous little one soon.

So we hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of Two Crazy Cat Ladies on YouTube. Please subscribe to our channel and have some fun with us. If you’ve used the Face Swap app or if you have suggestions for our videos, comment below. 🙂


Recommended Support for FLUTD


Urinary Tract Support Kit



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