It’s not difficult to find the purrfect new cat or kitten to welcome into your home – and each one quickly demonstrates a personality that requires the purrfect cat name. Sometimes, that can be the hard part.

Jae and I are lucky to have a community of thousands of fellow crazy cat ladies who not only share precious pictures and stories about their own cats, but also some of the most purrrrfect cat names ever imagined. Some of these names are so good, we just knew we had to share. Of the hundreds we had to choose from, we each picked our top 10 favorites – so here for you to purruse at your pleasure are our fabulous selections!

*20 Best Cat names*

Jae chose:

Chopper, Whiskey Francisco, Chipper Cookie, Stella, Wigglesworth, Middy Pearl, Trouble, Snuggles, Mr. Fuzzles and Nibbles.

 I Chose:

Squish, Cheddar, Biggie, Frecklebutt, Spotsy, Purrcy, Piston, Pester, Chucky Cheese Puff and Cricket.

No doubt, you likely already know a cat or two that fits a few of these names… and some of these names are so inspired, you may even feel compelled to go find the purrfect cat to fit it. I know we wouldn’t mind finding Frecklebutt or Snuggles. 🙂

If you are still searching for the perfect cat name, or if you are constantly asked by your other cat lover friends for cat name ideas, here are a few bonus names we couldn’t fit into those tight 20 spots:

Clutch, Nono, Dusty, Phoenix, Scamper, Rocket, Cotton, Hairball, Chili Pepper, Rider, Gordo, Squeakers, Goobus, Sparrow, Crank, Rider, Stitch, Acorn, Scooter, Pontiac and Tallulah.

At the end of the day, this hunting for the best cat names may all be for naught. In our experience, we may think we’ve chosen the best name for our new family member, yet over time, they reveal who they really are… and before you know it, the cat you named Smokey has become Mr. McTuftytoes.

So, if today you’re struggling to pick the best cat name for your new love, just give it time… Sometimes the best cat names just come – and they’re so worth the wait.

* this list is always subject to change.




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