If you’ve followed us for any amount of time you know that we do not like unnecessary vaccines. If your cat has had to have the rabies vaccine more than necessary, you should consider a rabies vaccine detox.

Are rabies vaccines necessary?

We understand the importance of vaccines, but the rabies vaccine can be especially concerning. We’ve spoken with too many cat parents that have lost their kitties due to over vaccinations. Simply put, if your cat is not as risk of contracting rabies, why do we need to vaccinate?

Because law.

Rabies is regulated by law because the virus can be transmitted to people. Currently all 50 states require your cat to be vaccinated for rabies around the age of 6 months. Different states have different laws about how often your cat should be re-vaccinated from there. Here’s what the law (and sometimes your veterinarian) doesn’t tell you: More vaccines don’t mean more protection – and often come with harsh side effects. If titer testing is available, we recommend that instead.

With only one exception (and I’ll get to that shortly), we’ve never allowed our cats to have more than their initial rabies vaccine. The law hasn’t been enforced with our indoor cats in any state that we’ve resided. Maybe that’s just luck… but I’ve never heard of the rabies police going door to door to ask for vaccine papers.

The ONE exception we made was when our sweet Pooh Bear was indoor/outdoor and got into a fight at the age of 3. He was rushed to the emergency vet and they required a rabies vaccine in order to stitch him up.

Now he lives with an autoimmune disease from being over-vaccinated.

The symptoms of his disease closely mirrored symptoms of rabies itself… bleeding eyes, ears & mouth and aggressive behavior. It was horrible to watch him suffer.

Recently we met with a beautiful human who does muscle/energy testing on cats and suggested we give Pooh Bear a rabies vaccine detox called Lyssin. We had heard of this homeopathic remedy before but we didn’t think it would be of benefit to him 6 years later. It turns out we were wrong!

Lyssin can be used when you suspect any health or behavioral problems associated with a vaccination for rabies. It’s so simple to administer, doesn’t cause any harm and can only help your kitty! If you have questions on how best to administer this remedy, reach out to us in the question box below. We’re happy to help your cat with a rabies vaccine detox!


Additional Cat Detoxify Solution


Oxy-Cat 1 oz



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