For those of us with multiple cats, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of who is doing what in and out of the litter boxes. A few years ago one of our cats was leaving a puddle of diarrhea on the ground when we were at work each day and we couldn’t figure out which cat was sick. In situations like this you want to act fast. The problem was all the cats were acting ‘fine’ and we couldn’t catch the sick kitty in the act.

The same often happens when our cats vomit. We come home to find puke on the ground and we have no idea who did it. So what do we do in this type of situation?

I wish I could remember who gave us this idea – so that we could give credit where it’s due – but it was 7 years ago and my memory gets fuzzy that far back. 🙂 Nevertheless, here’s what you can do to find out which one of your cats is pukey or poopy.

How To Detect Which Cat Is Sick

  1. Grab some food coloring at the market. They have natural food coloring at your local health food store that we would recommend first. While you won’t be using much, traditional food coloring can be hard on an already upset tummy. Make sure to get a different color for each cat.
  2. In the morning meal, put a few drops of food coloring in each cat’s wet food dish. If your cats typically eat each other’s food, just give them a each a small amount food with the coloring in it – so they all eat their own.
  3. This is a very important step. Make a chart of which color you gave to each cat. It would be horrible if you try to remember this on your own (especially with my memory) and are still left clueless at the end of the day.

Now, when you come home to the mysterious mess on your floor, you will be able to decipher which cat is sick and needs attention.

You’re welcome. 🙂



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