CBD is the biggest trend in pet health right now – and it’s proving to be helping many pets with various ailments across the globe. Even with the many reported benefits of CBD, administering it to your cat can sometimes get stressful… for her and you. Why? Because most cats just don’t like to be tampered with.

Now… maybe your reading this and saying, “what do you mean? I just add it to my cat’s food.” Well, we recently partnered with some experts in CBD for pets and learned that this method of application just isn’t the most effective.

Here’s why.

As we learned from the fine folks with CBD Cat Health, in order to get the best results from a quality CBD product, it must be bioavailable to the body. This just means that the medicinal tincture should be able to be used by the body.

When we put CBD into our cats food, it has to be processed through the digestive system before it can do its job. In this digestive process, much of the CBD potency is lost and the body isn’t able to efficiently use it. This results in needing a higher required dose (and often rejection of the food), unnecessary product (and money) is wasted and the desired results of the CBD tincture are often slowed or not attained. As cat parents, we know how frustrating this can be – especially when we’re trying hard to help our cats with an issue that CBD can help. So what can we do?

How To Give Your Cat CBD

One of the effective ways to administer CBD to your cats is rubbed into their ears. This area is where the CBD is most easily absorbed into the blood stream.

However – administering the CBD in the above way can present some challenges. Three of our cats will let us apply CBD in their ears, but the other 2 will have nothing to do with it. Also, because it’s such a sensitive area, some kitties will have a skin sensitivity in the ear.

Good news is that there’s an easier way!

The paw pads of our kitties are another area of the body where cats can quickly absorb CBD… or anything for that matter. This is why we encourage natural – not using chemical – floor and counter cleaners in your home. Our kitties paw pads contain an abundance of blood vessels – similar to those found in the ears and gums – making this a great option for effectively administering CBD.

We recommend letting our kitties get used to us rubbing/touching their paws. Most cats that are already used to having their nails clipped won’t mind this at all – but others may take a little patience. The good news is this the application method is simply the easiest – with out loosing the effectiveness of the CBD.

Simply rub the tincture on the pads of their paws and watch it work it’s magic!



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