Indoor plants are a beautiful addition in any home. We love growing greenery in our home and on our patio because we feel that plants lift our spirits. As responsible cat parents, however, we have to be cautious that we aren’t allowing plants that are toxic to cats around our home.

If you have friends that gift you with flowers and plants when they come over, be sure to keep them out of reach of your kitties until you know they’re safe. Cats like to nibble on plants in the home. Before allowing this, however, be certain that your cats aren’t consuming dangerous leaves or flowers.

Plants that are toxic to cats can prove fatal in many cases. That’s why it is so important for kitty parents to pay attention to the plants in their home. Symptoms from consuming a toxic plant can include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling or foaming at the mouth, loss of appetite, organ failure and/or death.

3 Plants That Are Toxic To Cats

There are many plants that can be poisonous to our kitties, but we’re simply listing three of the most common ones below. For a full list of toxic plants, click here to see the ASPCA’s list.

  1. Lilies – I think everyone knows this plant is toxic to pets, but we’re listing it first because lilies are super problematic for kitties. Even just a slight exposure to this plant can cause severe kidney damage and/or death. Beautiful, yes. Safe? Not at all.
  2. Tulips – Who doesn’t love the beauty of tulips? These are often included in flower arrangements that your friends or family may bring you. Unfortunately, the whole flower is toxic, but the bulbs are especially poisonous to cats. Tulips can cause GI distress, nerve damage, seizures and heart issues in kitties.
  3. Oleander – While these plants are rare inside the home, oleanders are popular patio plants. If your cats have access to outdoor areas, be sure to keep them away from this plant. Even fallen leaves, if consumed, can poison your kitty. Toxicity of this plant can cause respiratory problems, diarrhea, muscle tremors and/or heart failure.

Once we know better, we do better! Keep your cats safe from toxic plants!


Recommended Healthy Product for your Cat


Oxy-Cat 1 oz



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