We learned about the importance of Dental Health Month for our cats… too late. It was 2010 and we found a canine tooth in some bedding – and had to go find out which cat had a tooth rot out of their mouth.

Any idea how horribly painful that would be? It haunts us to this day that we didn’t see (or didn’t pay attention to) the signs.

Yes – we found the cat that was missing his tooth… Our precious Mr. Bittles. He was 6 years old at the time. We took him to the vet – and found out he needed 6 more teeth extracted.

In the time since experiencing this awful awakening, we’ve learned some frightening statistics we wish we would have known as new cat moms.

  1. More than 70% of cats will experience some form of dental disease by the time they are 3 years old.
  2. Dental infections and disease can lead to heart issues, disease, and clots.
  3. More than 90% of cats will experience serious dental issues as they age

The good news is that most all dental issues can be avoided – or greatly diminished with proactive and preventative care. The month of February – Dental Health Awareness month – is a great time to start.

Many veterinarians offer dental discounts during February. Please – avoid the guilt we’ve experienced, and the pain our Mr. Bittles lived through. Call your vet, make the appointment, and make sure your cat’s teeth are happy and healthy.


Recommended Product for Feline Dental Health


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