Introducing a new cat to your existing clan can be tricky, especially if this hasn’t happened before. Just two years ago we brought in Friday and Zorro as kittens, so we learned a lot through that transition. One of the things we learned is that the first step at introducing a new cat is to go slowly.

Important Step When Introducing A New Cat

Bringing in a new cat to the home and keeping her separated from the rest of your kitties is important – at first. The kittens we just adopted, for instance, are very young and don’t have a health record yet. While we are going to stay positive and are using proactive approaches to their health, we don’t know if they are carrying a contagious disease. Anything is possible and we don’t want to possibly put our other cats at risk. The appointment is set to have the kittens tested, and we are hopeful that they’re healthy.

Aside from the health risks, keeping your kitties separated is important when introducing a new cat into the home for stress reduction as well. Cats need time to get used to the new smells and sounds before a formal introduction. Bringing in a new kitty can make your current kitties anxious. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed.

We’re keeping Madison and Jack in the guest room (aka. kitten room) while the adult kitties get used to the idea of having new siblings. They sniff under the door and even play with each other’s paws. They know there are kittens in the room and, after just a few days, are getting used to it.

After their health is cleared, we will start with the visual introductions and continue the slow process of introducing cats into our home.

Do you have any sage tips for these crazy cat ladies? Please comment below if so!



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