We want to make sure our kitties get fresh food and water every day. But what about your cat’s dish? How fresh are we keeping it?

You are eating dinner. Maybe you’re having nice pasta with some tomato sauce. You finish the plate and soak up any remaining sauce with your French bread. Wow, the plate looks clean so let’s just put it in the cabinet until we need it again, NOT! Gross even thinking about it, right?!

Now let’s take that a step further. You have no fingers or thumbs. When you eat you actually just go down to the plate and lick the food up into your mouth directly off the plate. The good news is you can really get the plate licked clean so to speak.  Would we then put that plate in the cabinet for the next use?  Heck no!

My obvious point is our feline friends’ dishes should get the same cleaning as ours. We should be sure to use hot soapy water after each meal, here’s why…

Why You Should Clean Your Cat’s Dish

Both food and water bowls for our pets can harbor a variety of germs and bacteria. The bacteria can cause illness in both your pets as well as you. The type of bowl you use can have an effect on that bacterial load but that’s for a different blog.

Just like we wash our dishes after each meal we want to do the same for our cats. This is true if you’re feeding wet, raw and yes, even kibble. A lot of people just freshen up their cat’s dry food bowl by topping it off. This is not a good idea. When a cat eats a lot of the time they will drop pieces of food back into the bowl causing more bacteria to grow. Also, if you are feeding dry food you should throw it out at the end of the day and start fresh.

So please after each meal, wash your cat’s food and water bowl with hot soapy water and treat their food bowls just like you would your dishes.



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