Plant medicine has gotten a bad rap lately. I recently saw a meme that said, “Plants are not ‘alternative’ medicine. They are the original,” and it really hit me. For many thousands of years, plants and minerals have been the foundation of medicine for human and animal health.

The modern belief that plant-based treatments – or plant medicine – are some sort of “new age” trend is worse than a misconception. The historical path of this misinformation has been perpetuated by the rise of pharmaceutical companies and the media’s narrative. This shift has led many to forget our roots in natural healing, which is especially concerning when we think about our pets.

A Short History of Plant Medicine

From the earliest days of civilization, humans turned to the natural world for remedies. Ancient cultures, from the Egyptians to the Chinese, documented extensive use of herbs, plants, and minerals to treat everything from infections to chronic illnesses. These treatments weren’t experimental; they were effective and time-tested. And animals, too, benefited from this natural approach. In fact, animals in the wild instinctively seek out certain plants when they feel unwell. They find their own plant medicine.

Then came Big Pharma. With the advent of synthetic drugs, the focus shifted toward creating pills for every possible ailment. Over time, the narrative changed, and plant-based medicine became sidelined. Mainly because they often labeled as “unproven” or “alternative” by the media. Today, many people have come to believe that if a treatment doesn’t come in a pill bottle, it’s somehow less legitimate.

Impact On Our Cats

This mindset becomes even more problematic when we consider the health of our cats. The truth is, there has been very little research on the long-term safety of chemical medications in cats. Yet, conventional veterinary medicine often relies on antibiotics and steroids to treat everything from infections to inflammation. While these can be effective in acute situations, they come with risks—many of which we may not fully understand yet.

That’s why so many pet parents, including myself, are making the shift toward plant-based medicines when it comes to treating our cats. Whether it’s using herbs to support digestion, plant-extracts to calm anxiety, or natural supplements to boost the immune system, we’re looking for safer, gentler alternatives that work with the body rather than overwhelm it with chemicals.

And why shouldn’t we? If humans have used plants for healing for millennia, it only makes sense that our pets can benefit from them, too. In my opinion, it’s not only safer but also wiser to consider plant-based medicines for health issues, rather than immediately resorting to pharmaceuticals. There’s certainly a time and place for antibiotics or steroids, but only using conventional medicine as the go-to solution every time our cats show a symptom might not be the best approach in the long run.

In reality, plant-based medicine isn’t “woo woo” or “new age”— it’s the original medicine. And it may be one of the best ways to ensure our pets live long, healthy, and vibrant lives. So the next time you’re faced with a health issue in your cat, consider reaching for a plant-based remedy first. After all, nature has been providing us with medicine for millions of years. Why stop now?



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