Here’s an observation we recently made about our kitties: Being that felines are the most ‘owned’ pet in America, we feel that cats deserve more respect. We know it’s a dog eat dog world, but many pet companies don’t even recognize  cats as any different than dogs – and that’s simply unfair. When they say pets, they usually mean dogs. If your’e a cat parent, you know exactly what we mean. Aren’t cats pets too?

Cat Rant Alert:

Here’s the thing. Cats are popular on social media because of their cuteness and weird antics. Not because they’re recognized as the great companions that they are. Rather, dogs are showcased as the “best pet” and it’s rare to find people who make fun of dogs or share negative stereotypes about them.

Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. Most cat people love dogs. It’s often the dog people who often don’t like other animals… like cats.

In fact, I know dog parents who are scared of cats and others who “just don’t like cats”. What on earth would make one scared of a cat? Just like dogs, if a cat is raised right and treated kindly by their owners, they will be kind companion animals.

Ever been inside a pet store? Pet stores are filled with rows and rows of dog supplies and usually a super small section with cat stuff. Cat parents have to shop online for toys and treats because local stores just don’t supply it.

When searching for help for your kitty online, you’ll likely find dog articles with cats as a side note (if at all). Why are kitties always an afterthought? Don’t cats deserve more attention – especially being that there are so many domesticated felines in the world?

In our podcast this week we discussed this issue in depth.

It’s one of our goals to help cat people be proud of their cats – to normalize cats as companion pets and let the world know that loving, caring for and parenting a cat is just as exciting, emotional, and honorable as parenting our puppers.



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