New Year resolutions can seem so cliche. Most of the time, for us, they’re even pointless. But have you ever thought of making a New Year resolutions for your kitty? Since our cats are our life, becoming a better cat parent is a reasonable resolution that we strive for each day.

New Year Resolution ideas for our kitties

There is endless information out there about how we can improve the lives of our kitties. With so many ideas it can be difficult to know where to start – so here are a few of our favorites. The biggest part about beginning a beautiful new year is simply beginning somewhere!

  1. Feed the best diet possible: Time and budget don’t always allow, but the more species appropriate food we can feed, the better quality life our cats will have.
  2. Start giving proactive supplementation: Just like we try to take our vitamins and brain or joint boosters, out kitties benefit from proactive care. An ounce of prevention is truly worth many pounds of cure. Aging is inevitable for all of us – and being proactive translates into a longer and better quality life.
  3. Increase exercise with scheduled playtime: This is a New Year resolution we fail at for year after year. But for our kitties, this is a resolution I can keep! Exercise and playtime enable our kitties – especially our indoor kitties – to exercise their natural instincts. In keeps their minds and bodies engaged and healthy.
  4. Halter train for regular time outdoors or build a catio: Providing access to the great outdoors is one of the most enriching things we can do for our kitties. But the great outdoors – unsupervised – can be a dangerous place. Halter (or leash) training can expose our little ones to safe and exciting adventures. And if you have space/means for a catio at your home, the great outdoors becomes as safe and easy as their favorite indoor snuggle spot.
  5. Spend more time snuggling: Cats often get a bad rap for being aloof – but they are more emotionally similar to us humans than dogs are. They simply accept and express things like… cats. But snuggle time is universally understood. Whether it’s just sitting near our shy kitty or wasting away as the victim of feline paralysis, kitty snuggles are good for our kitties, good for our health and make every day better and brighter.


Recommended Product for your Cat


CATalyst Antioxidant Enzyme Formula – 2 oz



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