This winter is proving to be especially cold in many areas. If you have a warm shelter, why not share your blessings this season to help keep feral cats warm too?

When the temperature drops, it’s nice to curl up in a blanket by the fire and ignore what’s happening outside. Unfortunately feral cats don’t have that luxury. During the winter months, cats will go looking for a warm place to hunker down because if the temperature dips below freezing, they’re susceptible to hypothermia, frostbite… or worse.

The problem is that many feral cats are unable to find that warm place to lay their heads. 

It breaks our hearts to think about how many feral cats are freezing in the cold. It’s estimated that there are more than 75 million stray cats in the US alone – and hundreds of millions around the world. So – while we may not be able to home all the cats in the world, what can we do to help keep all the feral cats in our communities warm in the winter?

Offer up your blessings.

Share your garage, your blankets, your cat food.

It really doesn’t take much to keep feral cats warm in the cold outdoors. Many junk yards have old tires that you can take for free or for a small fee. Stacking these tires with a small piece of plywood in between in a feral community can give so many kitties a shelter from the storm. Throw in some straw, old towels or blankets and they’ll be in a heavenly spot for the winter.

If you don’t have the space or means to help provide shelter for these little ones, reach out to the shelters, rescues and cat groups in your community to see how you can help. Time, money – even just extra stuff around your home – can be an invaluable and life saving gift!

Whatever it is you can do to help keep feral cats warm this winter, do it. Don’t just think about it… take action today!



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