Smurf The KittenI understand that there’s evil in this world, but I will never quite understand how anyone can be so cruel to a small, defenseless animal. This is Smurf the kitten – who was dyed purple and used as a chew toy for a larger animal.

At less than 8 weeks old and less than 2 lbs of weight, Smurf the kitten was found in a cardboard box with purple rags and lemon slices in San Jose, California. He was battered and bruised and his coat was dyed in purple ink. The doctor who was caring for him stated, “I believe that, for someone’s amusement, this kitten was used as a chew toy for their dog,” siting many dog bite wounds on Smurf. When he was brought into the Nine Lives Foundation shelter, he had 20 deep wounds and a fever of 105 degrees.

Smurf The KittenThe dye was “undiluted” and highly toxic, and the wounds and lacerations cut so deep into Smurf’s leg that he had to undergo surgery for it. The vets said that there is no way he could have survived if Smurf was used as bait – so they believe he was simply used as a toy – instead of a living being – for someone’s amusement with their dog.

Look at that face? Who in their right mind could actually use this kitten’s pain for their amusement?

Luckily Smurf the kitten made it successfully through surgery and the wounds are healing well. No one knows, however, if the toxicity of the dye will cause long term damage to his body. Despite the harm that some horrible person caused him, he was surprisingly trusting to the staff at the shelter. He made friends with a couple of other shelter cats and, by now, I’m sure he’s found a good home. Thank god.Smurf-Dyed-Purple-Kitten

Cruelty to animals is pure cowardliness and stupidity in my personal opinion. Anyone who can perform an act like this on a poor, defenseless kitten should be locked up somewhere and taught serious lessons in humanity. But, as the saying goes, “You can’t fix stupid. Not even with duck tape.”


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