Essential Oils For Cats – Are They Safe?

Recently there was a viral post on Facebook about a cat guardian unintentionally poisoning her cat by diffusing essential oils in the home. The post has caused much controversy among people who are pro essential oils for cats.

The story should not make cat parents anti-essential oils but it should make us all take a closer look at what products we use in our homes. We all want a nice smelling home, but putting toxic chemicals in the air to achieve that goal can hurt us and our cats.

It’s not all or none

Do your research before purchasing new home goods! There are some candles that, if used correctly, are safe for cats. There are some essential oils that, if used correctly, are safe for cats (there are companies who actually make essential oils for cats). But not all candles are safe and not all essential oils are safe. It depends on where they come from, what ingredients they are made of and how we use them. It’s not all or none. There is a happy medium.

One lesson we took from the viral post is that there can be too much of a good thing when it comes to essential oils for cats. Just like some vitamins, the overuse of essential oils can be harmful to our feline friends. Be sure to read instructions and ask the manufacturer how much is too much. If they don’t know – don’t use their products.

Our cats depend on us to ensure that the environment they live in is safe for them. The surfaces they walk on and the air they breathe should be chemical free. It’s important to think about our kitties when making changes in their environment.

If you are currently using essential oils, candles, plugins or other fragrance enhancers in your home, please research them to be sure that they are safe for your cats.



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