I know this likely comes as a surprise to our readers, but the thought of a homemade raw diet for cats scares the crap out of me. I preach about species appropriate diets for cats every day. We feed a species appropriate raw diet to our cats – only it’s a premade balanced raw diet that we purchase at our local pet boutique.

I’m a member of many different raw feeding groups on social media and I’ve done a LOT of research on making a balanced homemade raw diet for cats… but the fear is still overwhelming to me. What if I get it wrong? What if I don’t balance it correctly and end up hurting our precious babies? These are things that go through my head when I think about taking this leap.

Homemade Raw Diet For Cats

We commend pet parents for making their own balanced cat food. We agree that it’s best if you know – first hand – the ingredients that are included in your kitty’s diet. Because we’ve lacked the confidence to make our own balanced cat food, we instead contact the manufacturer of the foods we feed to ensure quality control and ingredients in these foods.

If you have the money, sometimes it’s easier to trust someone else rather than yourself. I don’t perform my own car repairs for this very reason.

But the finances are tight right now and premade raw food is adding up quickly…

We tell our followers that you can only do the best you can within your budget when it comes to feeding your cats. Many people believe that this means it’s okay to feed a low quality kibble. That’s notthe best we can dothough. Actually, making our own homemade raw diet for cats will likely cost less than feeding a poor quality canned food. Kibble is not an option.

So please be sure to follow our blog and our journey to a homemade raw diet for cats on YouTube (link below). For those of you who are also fearful of “getting it wrong” – we’ll learn, share and grow together. 🙂

Here we go!!!




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