We’ve all heard the phrase “give a dog a bone” from the song This Old Man. You’ll find dog bones in every pet store around the world. But what about cats? Have you ever considered giving your cat a bone?

Why We Recommend Feeding Your Cat A Raw Meaty Bone

There are many benefits to giving your cat a bone from time to time.

  1. Raw bones have vital nutrients – like calcium and phosphorus – that are very good for our kitties.
  2. The meat on raw bones is full of enzymes and other nutrients that help our cats thrive.
  3. Chewing on a small bone, like chicken wings or necks, helps to strengthen a feline’s jaw and chip tartar off the teeth.
  4. Raw bones are what our cats would devour in the wild, so by allowing them to consume bones we’re engaging their instinctive nature.

It’s important to note that we NEVER recommend feeding cooked bone to your kitties. Cooked bones can splinter and cause serious problems in your cats digestive system. Also, make sure that you’re only giving your cat a bone under supervision – especially at first. Young cats can sometimes go crazy with raw meaty bones and we don’t want them choking or hurting themselves.

If your cats isn’t interested in the bone the first time you give it to them, don’t give up. Kitties who are fed commercially processed foods their whole lives might be confused as to what is going on. Pick it up and put it in the refrigerator – and try again later. It may take a while before your cat starts to ‘get it’.

Feeding Your Cat A Bone For Dental Health

As mentioned above, raw meaty bones are a great way to help keep your cat’s teeth clean. While we still recommend yearly dental exams, if you’re unable to brush your cat’s teeth regularly, this is a great alternative. Your vet will be impressed with your kitty’s teeth at her exam!


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