It’s a thing. All cat parents have experienced that stinky cat poop that travels throughout the entire house. The worst is when it happens while company is arriving at your door. Cats, just like humans, can have a stinky poop from time to time – but is this normal in your home?

Stinky Cat Poop Is Not Normal

If your house smells horrible every time your cat does a doody, it’s time to get your kitty checked out by a vet. Runny stools, if happening on a regular basis, can be a symptom of many different feline illnesses. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

If your kitty has been cleared of health issues and her poop is still stinky AF, it’s time to look at the diet.

Interesting side-note: Many kibble companies use a food additive called yucca schidigera to reduce the odor in our cat’s feces – so they know this is an unpleasant issue. But does that sound normal? Do we add stuff to our food so that our poop doesn’t stink?

The truth is, feeding your cat a well balanced species appropriate diet takes away the ‘need’ for additives to curb the smell. Simply put, when the body is able to absorb and use the nutrients within the food they eat, there is little waste to be disposed. The excess waste that does pass through the colon is usually smaller, firm and carries little odor.

Cats are designed to eat small, whole prey meals. We’ve conditioned them, however, to eat hard, crunchy burnt food – foods that are not very bio-available to their bodies. What that means is there is a limited amount of absorbable and usable ingredients in kibble diets. Kitties fed a dry food only diet, therefore, are more likely to have stinky poops.

Feces aren’t expected to smell like roses – but they’re also not supposed to smell rotten and offensive. If stinky cat poop is the norm in your household, start transitioning your kitty to a healthier diet today!

Digestive enzymes added to the food will greatly help the absorption of nutrients, strengthen the GI tract and immune system and reduce odor as well. We add these enzymes to all of our kitties’ meals!

[title text=”Recommended Product for your Cat” style=”center”]

CATalyst Antioxidant Enzyme Formula – 2 oz

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